2019-2022 3DkoMP
Erzeugung verzugsoptimierter Bauteile bei der drahtbasierten additiven Fertigung mittels 3DMP-Verfahren durch integrative Prozesssimulation
In Wire-Arc-Additive-Manufacturing the blank part consists of multiple weld tracks. When milled later, the final contour cannot be hit exactly because of welding deformations. The project aims to use numerical simulations to generate displacement-optimized CAD-Geometries.
For this purpose, an adapted inherent strain simulation is calibrated on a single multi-layer wall. Displacements were successfully calculated for geometrically different 316L parts. The inverted deformation can be applied to the CAD. The contour of a printed displacement-optimized part is in close agreement with the desired end contour. Further validations are carried out.
AiF (ZIM-Kooperationsprojekt) |