Privacy Policy

Registration for Workshops, Consultation and Newsletter at BYRD / Information on data protection according to Article 13 GDPR

We hereby inform you about the processing of your personal data by the University of Bremen.

The University of Bremen collects and uses personal data for the implementation of various offers and services. It is a public corporation and is subject to the regulations of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as the Bremen Implementation Act.


1. Responsibility for data processing and contact details

Bremen Early Career Researcher Development

Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 7

28359 Bremen, Germany

Telephone: +49 421-218-60328

Email: byrdprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Name and address of the data protection officer:

University of Bremen
Petra Banik
Bibliothekstra?e 1-3
29359 Bremen, Germany

Telephone: +49 421 218-60211
Fax: +49 421 218-60210


2. Purpose of data processing

Your data will be used for the following purposes:

  • Registration for workshops: creation of a participation list, making of contact
  • Consultation form: making of contact, preparation of consultation
  • Registration for newsletter: subscription to the newsletter
  • Postdoc Coaching Questionnaire: making of contact, request for individual coaching


3. Legal basis of the data processing

The legal basis is your consent according to Article 6 Section 1a) of the GDPR.


4. Obligation for provision

A registration is only possible if you provide your personal details. These include:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Faculty
  • Information on your degree
  • Information on your doctorate

Providing further (optional) details is not required but can be disclosed on a voluntary basis.


5. Revocability of your consent

The agreement for receiving information and for processing of collected data can be revoked anytime with immediate effect according to Article 6 Section 1 lit.. a) GDPR. In this case, your data will not be processed anymore and will be deleted, provided that no legal retention periods are opposing this. The legitimacy of the data processing until the revocation is not affected by this.


6. Period of data storage

We save your data for 3 years. By notifying us (informal message to byrdprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de) you can revoke this. After receiving your revocation, your data will be deleted immediately, provided that no legal retention periods are opposing this.


7. Personal data that are processed

Registration for workshops:
  • Form of address (optional)
  • Name (mandatory)
  • Group (mandatory)
  • Telephone Number (mandatory)
  • Email Address (mandatory)
  • Faculty (mandatory)
  • Doctoral candidates: beginning of doctorate (optional)
  • Doctoral candidates: field of doctorate (optional)
  • Postdocs: year of doctorate (optional)
Consultation form:
  • Name
  • City
  • Email Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Information on your degree
Registration for newsletter:
  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Information on your doctorate
  • Career Level
Postdoc Coaching Questionnaire:
  • Form of address (optional)
  • Name (mandatory)
  • Telephone Number (mandatory)
  • Email Address (mandatory)
  • Academic title
  • Career stage

8. Recipient of your data

The Bremen Early Career Researcher Development as part of the department of research and young academics (address listed above) receives your data via the online form and processes them with MicrosoftOffice Excel.


9. Your rights

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data (according to Article 15 to 21 GDPR):

  • Right to information
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to data portability/ Right to receiving a copy

In addition, you have the right to revoke to the data processing anytime. We will then stop processing your data unless there are compelling reasons for processing that are worthy of protection or the processing is used for enforcement, exertion or guarding of legal rights.


10. Right to appeal at a regulatory authority

According to Article 77 GDPR, you have the right to make an appeal at a regulatory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data is unlawful. Identity and address of our responsible regulatory authority are:

Die Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
Arndtstra?e 1
27570 Bremerhaven, Germany
Telephone: +49 421 3612010 or +49 471 5962010
Fax: +49 421 49618495
Email: officeprotect me ?!datenschutz.bremenprotect me ?!.de




Updated by: BYRD