Natalie Kiel, M.Sc.

Portraitfoto von Natalie Kiel

Research Assistant

Clinical Psychology, M.Sc.


University of Bremen

Mary-Somerville-Str. 3

28359 Bremen

Phone: 0421/218-68662

E-Mail: kielprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

  • Regulatory mechanisms in early childhood
  • Parent-infant co-regulation
  • Development of self-regulation and temperament
  • Early childhood developmental trajectories
  • Media use in early childhood

Scientific Career

since 2017

Research Assistant / University of Bremen

Project: BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development

Dissertation topic: Regulatory mechanism in first year of life as preliminary stage to childish temperament

2013-2017M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology, University of Bremen
2007-2012B.Sc. in Psychology, University of Bremen

Teaching experience

since 2020(Co-) Academic Supervisor for graduation projects in:
  • M.Sc. Psychologie, University of Bremen
since 2019

(Co-) Academic Supervisor in:

  • B.A. Social work, Hochschule Bremen

Research Papers

  • Kiel, N., Samdan, G., Wienke, A.S., Reinelt, T., Pauen, S., Mathes, B., Herzmann, Ch. (2024): From co-regulation to self-regulation: Maternal soothing strategies and self-efficacy in relation to maternal reports of infant regulation at 3 and 7 months.Infant Mental Health Journal, 45(2):135-152.
  • Samdan, G., Reinelt, T., Kiel, N., Mathes, B., Pauen, S. (2022). Maternal self-efficacy development from pregnancy to 3 months after birth. Infant Mental Health Journal, 43(6):864-877.
  • Samdan, G., Kiel, N., Petermann, F., Rothenfu?er, S., Zierul, C., Reinelt, T. (2020). The relationship between parental behavior and infant regulation: A systematic review. Developmental Review, 57(12):100923. DOI: 10.1016/j.dr.2020.100923
  • Reinelt, T., Samdan, G., Kiel, N., Petermann, F. (2019). Frühkindliche Pr?diktoren externalisierender Verhaltensauff?lligkeiten. Evidenzen aus L?ngsschnittstudien. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 28(1):19-32. 10.1026/0942-5403/a000268
  • Kiel, N., Bruckdorfer, R., Petermann, F., Reinelt, T. (2018). Temperament in der frühen Kindheit und die Entwicklung externalisierender St?rungen: Implikationen für die klinische Diagnostik. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 66(3):177-186.


  • Iken, P. I., Kiel, N., W?lbling, V., Mathes, B. (2022). Associations between media exposure, attachment, education and temperament in infancy. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, September 10-15, 2022, Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Kiel, N., Bouazizi, A., Samdan, G., Herzmann, C., Reinelt, T., Zierul, C., Petermann, F. (2019). Predictors of maternal confidence and its effects on soothing strategies in at-risk families. Poster auf der BRISE-Konferenz, 07.10.2019, Berlin.

Scientific presentation

  • Mathes, B., Wienke, A. S., Kiel, N., Wastl, F. L., Kemmerich, R., Macha, T., Kr?ger, H. (2022). Recruitment strategies targeting young families with socio-economic and cultural challenges. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, September 10-15, 2022, Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Samdan, G., Reinelt, T., Kiel, N., Mathes, B., Pauen, S. (2022). Maternal self-efficacy: characteristics that influence it, ways to increase it, and mothers who develop it the most. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, September 10-15, 2022, Hildesheim, Germany. 
  • Kiel, N., Samdan, G., Wienke, A., Reinelt, T., Pauen, P., Mathes, B., Herzmann, C. (2022). Von Ko-Regulation zur Selbst-Regulation: Zusammenh?nge von mütterlichem Beruhigungsverhalten, mütterlicher Erziehungsselbstwirksamkeit und S?uglingsregulation. (From co-regulation to self-regulation: Relationships between maternal soothing behaviour, maternal parenting self-efficacy and infant regulation). Famili?re Herkunft und frühkindliche Entwicklung online; March 9-11, 2022.
  • Kiel, N., Herzmann, C., Petermann, F. (2019). Frühkindliches Temperament: Mütterliche Selbstwirksamkeit und Beruhigungsverhalten in einer Risikostichprobe. (Early childhood temperament: maternal self-efficacy and soothing behaviour in an at-risk sample. Presentation at the paEpsy conference). 10.09.2019, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Kiel, N. (2018). Frühkindliche Entwicklung: Einflussfaktor Temperament. (Early childhood development: temperament as an influencing factor). Scientific presentation at the Colloquium on Developmental Psychology, 03.12.2018, Dortmund Technical University, Dortmund, Germany.
since 2019Member of thePhD board Dr. rer. nat., faculty 11, University of Bremen.