The future of communication

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt - Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t Münster
Challenges of communicative change - risks of young people's online use
Prof Quandt has been teaching at the University of Münster since 2012. 1990-1996 Studied journalism, psychology, film/television studies and cultural studies in Bochum and Liverpool. 1996-1998 Worked as a radio journalist. 1997-2007 Research assistant at the TU Ilmenau and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. 2004 Doctor of Philosophy (TU Ilmenau), 2007 Habilitation in Communication Science (LMU Munich). 2006 Deputy Professor at the Free University of Berlin, 2007-2008 Junior Professor at the FU Berlin. From 2009-2012 Professor at the University of Hohenheim, Chair of Communication Science, esp. Interactive Media and Online Communication, 2012 Managing Director of the Institute of Communication Science, University of Hohenheim. Since 2010 ERC Grant Holder (EU Excellence Programme), since 2011 member of the Executive Board of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and Chairman of the Interest Group for "Digital Games". Board member of the journals "Communication Theory" and "Digital Journalism". Associate Editor of the Journal of Communication.
moreProf. Dr. Maren Hartmann - Universit?t der Künste Berlin
Mobile media, lifestyle and digital divide/exclusion
Prof Hartmann has been Professor of Communication and Media Sociology at Berlin University of the Arts since December 2014. She also began her studies in Berlin, as a student of journalism, theatre studies and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin. After graduating, she spent time in the UK at the University of Sussex, the University of Westminster and the University of Brighton. Maren Hartmann also taught at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels before moving to Erfurt and Bremen. In 2007, Maren Hartmann was appointed Junior Professor of Communication Sociology at the Berlin University of the Arts.