Diversity Milestones


University of Bremen Is Co-Leading the YUFE-Diversity & Inclusivity Strategy

The internationalization and diversity activities of the University of Bremen are expanded by the establishment of the university network YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe. More specifically, together with the University of Essex, the university is co-leading the joint Diversity & Inclusivity (D&I) strategy, in the development of which we, as Diversity Management, play a significant role.



Successful Diversity Re-Audit

Frequent external audits of our processes and measures ensure quality and are part of our diversity management. Therefore, in 2017, we underwent re-auditing for the “Vielfalt gestalten” (Shaping Diversity) “Diversity-Conscious University” seal of the Stifterverband.

The self-assessment report of the University of Bremen was submitted in June 2017. The subsequent peer inspection with a presentation for members of the university and a range of talks with selected interviewees took place in September 2017.

Change in Perspective in the Vice President International and Diversity’s Office

Professor of mathematics Eva-Maria Feichtner takes on the role as Vice President International and Diversity, previously held by Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu from April 2011 to September 2017.


Adoption of the Second Diversity Strategy

The University of Bremen adopts a new diversity strategy, which serves as a guideline to continuously foster an understanding of diversity and to anchor it in research, teaching, and administration.


Renaming of the Vice President to “International and Diversity”

The office of the “Vice President Interculturality and Internationality” is renamed “International and Diversity.”



Adoption of the “Action Plan to Implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”

The University of Bremen is the first German university to adopt an action plan to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In addition, the Academic Senate establishes the Inclusion Advisory Board.


The Academic Senate Adopts the First Diversity-Strategy

HRK Audit “Internationalization of Universities”

Diversity Audit

The 2012 Diversity Audit was the final step of the project “Ungleich besser! Verschiedenheit als Chance” (Better Diversity! Diversity as an Opportunity) project launched by the Stifterverband in 2010. The University of Bremen submitted an application with its “Diversity as Tradition and Future” concept and was among the first eight German universities to receive the “Diversity-Conscious University” seal. The participating universities joined a benchmark club to discuss strategies, best-practice examples, and positive auditing factors.

Room of Silence Established

The University of Bremen establishes a non-confessional Room of Silence in the GW2 Building. The room serves as a retreat for all those who seek tranquility, want to meditate, or pray.


Launching of the Intersectional ?e n t e r s c i e n c e" Project for Students of all Disciplines

The project develops diversity measures and teaching-learning formats that are sensitive to inequalities and aim to promote social opening processes in higher education. In order to increase the overall participation of underrepresented student groups in academia, the project operates at the intersection of studying, teaching, and the promotion of early career researchers. It is intersectional in its approach.

Start of the Lecture Series “Diversity @ Uni Bremen: excellent and equal opportunities!?”

Since 2011, we have been offering talks and discussion forums as part of this lecture series in order to strengthen the both internal and external diversity awareness processes and to stimulate an ongoing discussion within the university on the importance of diversity in teaching, research, and administration. In doing so, we are particularly committed to involving as many perspectives and participants as possible in the diversity process. Each year, we dedicate ourselves to one key topic, which changes annually.

Establishment of the Role of the Vice President Interculturality and Internationality

First Vice President Interculturality and Internationality: Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu, Professor for Intercultural Education (Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences).


Establishment of KIS – Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases

The Office for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases (KIS) was founded as a point of contact for students with impairments and special needs. KIS is closely connected with the Critical Initiative for Diversity and Inclusion (kivi) student association (formerly Interest Group Handicap), which advocates for the interests of students with disabilities, and the Representative for Inclusive Studying at the University of Bremen.

Participation in the “Ungleich besser! Verschiedenheit als Chance” (Better Diversity! Diversity as an Opportunity) Project (Stifterverband/CHE)

The target group of the project (2010 - 2012) was made up of counselors, students, and the University Executive Board. Through the project, the University Executive Board was involved in the Diversity Audit benchmarking.


Signing of the Diversity Charter

In the context of the conference of the BremerForum:Diversity cooperative initiative, the University of Bremen signed the Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt). The university working group included the Director of Finance and Administration Gerd-Rüdiger Kück, Vice President Research Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler, diversity expert Dr. Margrit E. Kaufmann, and the Family-Friendly University working group.

Participation in the “Diversity as an Opportunity” Project (CHE)

Within the context of the project, which lasted from 2009 to 2012 and targeted students, the first Diversity Steering Group was established. In addition, through the project, the university was involved in the development of the QUEST student survey.


Audit Family-Friendly University

Since 2007, the University of Bremen has been successfully participating in the audit family-friendly university. The Equal Opportunities Office manages the project on behalf of the Director of Finance and Administration. For three years at a time, University Executive Board agrees on specific goals with its contracting partner, berufundfamilie GmbH. In addition to these goals, the agreement describes the specific measures for their implementation and outlines the intended timeline.