Equality Slam

Equality Slam Teaser - 1 Minute
Equality Slam Documentation - 10 Minutes
Curtain up!
The first Equality Slam of the University of Bremen took place on 29.10.2021 in the Schwankhalle and was a great success!
Women* text artists slammed for and against everything that has ever preyed on their mind: stereotypes, gender clichés, obstacles and hurdles on the path to studying at the uni and throughout academia. Experience women* spoken word poets, women* slam poets, and comediennes* amazed, impressed, excited and made the audience ponder. The award-winning comedienne, actress, and YouTuber Idil Baydar alias Jilet Ay?e led through a truly poetic program.
"To choose to write is to reject silence." Chimananda Ngozi Adichie
Using all the tricks in the wordsmith’s book!
It?s about time. The University turned 50!
The audience experienced - live in the Schwankhalle and on screen via livestream - great contributions about sexism and racism in the lecture theater, on educational background as a hindrance, and on barriers on campus that block the way, even in the digital world. Diverse performances by interesting women* artists made a memorable night!
Applause for ...
Equal Opportunities Office: Anneliese Niehoff, Anna-Lena Vallentin, Bettina Schweizer, Kathrin Faber, Dr. Lisa Spanka, Lea Flacke, Lisa Gronau, Maimuna Sallah, Margarethe Klimek
Project management: Ramona Suresh
Design: Uta Ratz
Film recording and livestream: Bremedia Produktion GmbH
Fotographie: Matej Meza
Welcome speeches:
Anneliese Niehoff – University of Bremen, Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination
Frauke Meyer – University of Bremen, Director of Finance and Administration
Dr. Claudia Schilling – Senator for Science and Ports
Sincere thanks to the selection committee: Aaron Woldamlak, Johanna Fischer, Judith Strodtk?tter, Maria von Einem, Yakup ?zel
Poetry without prizes!
There were only winners at this contest. We were subverting the seemingly unavoidable achievement principle in education and science and stood up against it together instead of going against one another. In the end, equal opportunities and diversity won out and there was much applause for all!
Interview in the German newspaper taz from 23.06.2021 with Anneliese Niehoff about the Equality Slam
Press release of the University of Bremen from 21.20.2021
Vorhang auf: Gegen Stereotype, Hürden und Rollenklischees | Presseportal
Interview of the website Frauenseiten Bremen with Einfach Nur and Patience Amankwah alias C-I-O
Equality Slam 2021 - frauenseiten bremen frauenseiten.bremen
Anneliese Niehoff
E-Mail: equality.slamprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Tel.: (0421) 218 - 60181
Building: GW2
Room: A 4167