The foundation project for the university anniversary - co-founding

[Translate to English:] Ein farbenfrohes Feld mit der Beschriftung "Machen. Jetzt mitstiften."

Co-founding - the idea

Have you long been driven by the feeling of wanting to get involved and make the world a little better? Do you doubt that you alone can make a difference in the face of the many challenges of our time? Would you like to have a say in how your money is used sensibly? Do you think you need a large sum of money to make a difference?

If your answer is YES, there is something you can do - become a philanthropist today!

Who we are


The University of Bremen Foundation aims to awaken enthusiasm for science and research: Because science is part of our culture and can make a decisive contribution to researching the major issues facing humanity. By funding projects, we support scientists at the University of Bremen in finding solutions to social challenges - because behind each of these projects are people with good ideas and a great deal of commitment.
What we do

The projects we fund make a very concrete contribution to tackling the pressing challenges of our time, such as equal access to education, diversity and integration, climate and environmental protection, digitalisation, medicine and health, international understanding and peace. However, this cannot be achieved in an "academic ivory tower", but only through social dialogue.

[Translate to English:] Ein pinker Kreis mit der Beschriftung "Jetzt mitstiften und Sinn machen!"

We therefore enter into dialogue directly with local citizens through campaigns and collaborations with cultural institutions or partners. And since everything is connected to everything else and these challenges know no geographical boundaries, the following applies: this is good for Bremen, but also for the world. Of course, there are also projects that are internationally orientated from the outset and end up making a difference for people in other parts of the world. Either way, the great thing is that the starting point for all these initiatives is always the campus of the University of Bremen.

What can you do? Become a Sinnstifter:in!

Support these important projects - with your donation, which flows into the capital stock of the University of Bremen Foundation. You give what you can. There is no minimum amount and in the end many small amounts add up to a larger sum. Become part of the Sinnstifter:innen community, which can do a lot of good together. And not just donate, but also have a say:

The University of Bremen Foundation is providing a grant that you can help decide how it is used on 1 November 2021. This is when a public award meeting will take place, at which projects with social relevance from academics at the University of Bremen will be presented and you can help decide which project should receive the Audience Award.

Sometimes you just have to do it and sometimes today is the day!

Who is behind it all

Eine farbenfrohe Fl?che mit der Beschriftung "Macht Sinn! Stiften gehen. Wissen schaffen." und dem Logo der Stiftung der Universit?t Bremen

The team behind the MACHT SINN!

[Translate to English:] Farbiger Seitenabschluss