Elisa Brau?e, M.Sc.
About me
With a background in Cognitive and Neuroscience, I've been working at the Cognitive Systems Lab as a doctoral candidate since early 2022.
My research revolves around the interface between human and technology, preferably with biosignals and health/medical topics that involve the brain.
Currently I'm responsible for the NAKO+ILSE project, which focuses on health study data fusion and early detection of dementia based on spoken language and magnetic resonance imaging.
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
Cartesium, Raum 2.049
28359 Bremen
+49(0)421-218 64268
elisa.brausseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Additional contact options:
LinkedIn, XING, ResearchGate
Winter term 2024/Summer term 2025: Bachelor project DeMention
Summer term 2023: Biosignale und Benutzerschnittstellen (Biosignals and User Interfaces)
Summer term 2022: Biosignale und Benutzerschnittstellen (Biosignals and User Interfaces)
Looking for students!
For my project NAKO+ILSE, I am currently conducting, recording and automatically analyzing interviews of about 500 participants, aged 60 years and older.
If you're good with (elderly) people, interested in conducting interviews, language is your thing and you would like to earn money along the way – get in touch with me.
Only available for students fluent in German.