
Arthrokinemat (2016-2019)

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease worldwide. It is accompanied by a substantial reduction of life quality and results in significant economic losses. One major pillar of the therapy is movement, which creates essential prerequisites for the nutrition of the joints. However, movement must not overload the diseased joint as it activates the arthrosis. For those affected, the right amount of movement is often difficult to estimate. This is where the project Arthrokinemat comes in which concerns the "Development of a learning, adaptive, sensor-based measurement system to prevent arthrosis activation when the knee joint is overloaded (Arthrokinemat)".

In the project Arthrokinemat, we develop a mobile technical system that senses the movements of its users by means of proximity sensors. On the basis of this information the system continuously predicts if and when the extent and intensity of the movements lead to an overload of the knee joint. The movement is documented in the form of stress indicators and feedback is given to the user in terms of visual, acoustical and tactile output. As soon as the load exceeds an automatically learned individual threshold, the Arthrokinemat warns its users and thus protects them from stress-induced activation of the arthrosis. The application is carried out for the two application scenarios of everyday life activities and sports.

The project involves four partners: Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaften, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Karlsruhe), CSL Universit?t Bremen (Bremen), ITP GmbH (Chemnitz), Bauerfeind AG (Zeulenroda-Triebes).

This joint project is funded by the BMWi (project management by AiF) within the framework of the "Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)" under the award number ZF4123902 TS5 (2016-2019).


Persons in Charge: Dr. Hui Liu and Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz