Lukas N?lke

Lukas N?lke

Universit?t Bremen
FB3: Mathematik/Informatik
Bibliothekstr. 5
28359 Bremen


About me

I recently obtained my doctoral degree at the University of Bremen in Germany under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow. My research interests are combinatorial optimization and approximation algorithms, especially algorithms under uncertainty.



Matching and Packing Problems - Optimization under Uncertainty in Theory and Practice [pdf]
Lukas N?lke, 2023



Robustification of Online Graph Exploration Methods [pdf]
Franziska Eberle, Alexander Lindermayr, Nicole Megow, Lukas N?lke, Jens Schl?ter
AAAI 2022

Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Knapsack Problems with Polylogarithmic Update Time [pdf]
Franziska Eberle, Nicole Megow, Lukas N?lke, Bertrand Simon, Andreas Wiese
Accepted for publication at FSTTCS 2021

On Minimum Generalized Manhattan Connections [pdf]
Antonios Antoniadis, Margarita Capretto, Parinya Chalermsook, Christoph Damerius, Peter Kling, Lukas N?lke, Nidia Obscura Acosta, Joachim Spoerhase
WADS 2021

Speed-Robust Scheduling [pdf]
Franziska Eberle, Ruben Hoeksma, Nicole Megow, Lukas N?lke, Kevin Schewior, Bertrand Simon
IPCO 2021

Online Minimum Cost Matching with Recourse on the Line [pdf]
N. Megow and L. N?lke.

Computing a Minimum-Cost k-hop Steiner Tree in Tree-Like Metrics [pdf]
M. B?hm, R. Hoeksma, N. Megow, L. N?lke and B. Simon

On the Complexity of Anchored Rectangle Packing  [pdf]
A. Antoniadis, F. Biermeier, A. Cristi, C. Damerius, R. Hoeksma, D.. Kaaser, P. Kling, and L. N?lke.
ESA 2019



  • Master of Science, Mathematics, Paderborn University, Germany.
    Thesis title: Recent Developments in Nowhere-Zero Flow Problems.

    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Steffen.

  • Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Paderborn University, Germany.
    Thesis title: A Combinatorial/Numerical Algorithm for Symmetric, Diagonally Dominant Linear Systems.

    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Buergisser.