13, Welding and Allied Processes

Welding and Allied Processes

Bremen Institute for Applied Beam Technology (BIAS)
University of Bremen
Klagenfurter Street 5
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421-218-58001 
E-Mail: info-mbsprotect me ?!biasprotect me ?!.de
Institute website: www.bias.de


In teaching, the research group of Welding and Allied Processes offers education in the field of welding technology and forming technology. Focal points within these subject areas are: Thermal joining, especially welding with conventional processes and with laser beam; laser material processing; high-power lasers and forming machines.
Research is concentrated on the fields of joining, additive processes and microproduction. The main research focus is placed on manufacturing processes. Research is carried out on processes for joining, cutting, coating, forming and changing properties, primarily with laser and plasma beams. Hereby the corresponding variants of additive processes are also investigated. Work in fundamental- and application-oriented projects relates to development and qualification of hybrid, mixed compound and coating processes, as well as the implementation of an improved understanding of processes, for example in photon-based chemical processes, or in improvement of properties or in production of novel/modified materials, as well as the systems technology required to carry out these processes. Therefore, research activities include, both, basic investigations within DFG projects, as well as transfer-oriented projects with cooperation partners from the industry in various European countries, within the framework of European funding programmes, as well as projects funded by the Federal Government (especially BMBF, AiF) and the State of Bremen.


Updated by: bolik