Natural Sciences for Sustainability
International Bachelor's degree launched
47 young people have now started their studies on the new international Bachelor's degree course “Natural Sciences for Sustainability” at the University of Bremen. The Bachelor's degree is a joint initiative between Physics, Earth Sciences and Biology.
Professor Jens Falta and Prof. Dr. Annette Ladst?tter-Wei?enmayer (Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering) had invited all new students to a welcoming and kick-off event. Four keynote speeches gave an insight into the topics of “NatSus” - the short name of the degree course - from four different perspectives.
Professor Michael Schulz (Department of Earth Sciences) presented the “Global picture of climate change”, Professor Uwe Nehls (Department of Biology/Chemistry) highlighted “Sustainability from biological perspectives at different scales”, Dr. Sergio Contreras (Department of Physics/Electrotechnology) gave an insight into the “Future energy supply” and Christine Falta (Bonn) discussed career aspects presenting ‘Paths in sustainability’. A world café gave room for lively discussions among students, lecturers and keynote speakers. We are looking forward to three inspiring years of studies across disciplines.
Lively discussions in the World Café

A World Café provided space for lively discussions between students, lecturers and speakers. “We are looking forward to three stimulating years of study in various disciplines,” says Jens Falta optimistically about the time ahead with the students.
The new degree course focuses on the sustainable use of resources and energy as well as the recording and description of processes and interactions in environmental systems. Content from the disciplines of biology, physics and geology are the subject of this course, supplemented by aspects from electrical engineering, philosophy, economics and social sciences.
In the first two years of study, a comprehensive solution-oriented basic education is imparted. Students deal with the topics of resources, the water cycle, energy, climate change and biodiversity. This is followed by individual in-depth study with a choice of specialization. During an optional semester abroad in the 3rd year, students can directly experience the international context of the course.