Studying with mental illness – about compensatory measures and studying in a resource-sensitive way
Thursday 16th May - 12:00 - 01:00 PM
Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.
Ingrid Zondervan from the KIS (Kontakt- und Informationsstelle für Studierende mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung) will provide information about the possibility of applying for compensatory measures. Cordula Schr?r from the PBS (Psychologische Beratungsstelle und Sozialberatung) will talk about study organization and learning techniques for studying with a mental illness.
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About these persons
Cordula Schr?r is a psychotherapist and the head of the Counseling Center PBS at the Student Services Bremen. The PBS consists of two departments: The Social Counseling department serves as a point of contact for students regarding social and financial issues, while the Psychological Counseling department provides support for study-related and personal problems through individual counseling, groups, and workshops.
Dr. Ingrid Zondervan heads the Contact and Information Center for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illness (KIS). The KIS offers counseling services for students with visible or invisible physical or mental impairments, advising on accommodations in studies, study organization, financing, hardship regulations, accommodations in the application process for study placements, and support services.