International Association of Maltese Linguistics
L-G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija
The International Association of Maltese Linguistics - G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija (G?ILM) - was founded on October 19 2007 during the first conference on Maltese linguistics at the University of Bremen. The conference was attended by over 50 scholars from France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malta, and the US.
Thomas Stolz (Institute of General and Applied Linguistics, University of Bremen) was appointed as the first president, while Manwel Mifsud, chairman of the Kunsill tal-Malti and Professor of Maltese at the University of Malta, Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), Beth Hume (Dept. of Linguistics, Ohio State University), Martine Vanhove (Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire (LLACAN)), and Ray Fabri from the University of Malta's Department of Linguistics were appointed as vice-presidents.
The association's aim is to stimulate the study of Maltese. It will strive to create other university centres of the language outside Malta. This in turn will lead to networking between scholars and researchers from many quarters.
The News section on the pages of G?ILM includes reminders for upcoming conferences, recent press reports and new online resources for Maltese linguistics. The page Conferences lists all past Maltese Liguistics / Lingwistika Maltija conferences. You can find information about our publications ILSIENNA and IL-LINGWA TAG?NA, Proceedings as well as the Bibliography on Maltese Linguistics. Furthermore, you can visit our expanding collection of resources on Maltese languages in the links section. If you want to point us to relevant resources, conferences or workshops related to the Maltese language, please do not hesitate to send the information to ghaqdaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.
L-G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija twaqqfet fid-19 ta’ Ottubru 2007, waqt l-ewwel konferenza dwar il-Lingwistika Maltija li saret fl-Università ta’ Bremen. F’din il-konferenza ?adu sehem ’il fuq minn 50 studju? minn Franza, il-?ermanja, l-Irlanda, l-I?rael, l-Italja, il-?appun, Malta u l-Istati Uniti.
L-g?aqda g?andha l-g?an li t?e??e? l-istudju tal-ilsien Malti. Se nippruvaw no?olqu ?entri universitarji o?ra barra minn Malta g?al din il-lingwa. Dan g?andu jwassal g?all-?olqien ta’ netwerks ta’ kollaborazzjoni bejn studju?i u ri?erkaturi minn diversi pajji?i.
Waqt il-laqg?a ta’ inawgurazzjoni ?ie elett unanimament kumitat ta’ tmexxija. Thomas Stolz (mill-Istitut tal-Lingwistika ?enerali u applikata, Università ta' Bremen), in?atar b?ala l-ewwel President, filwaqt li Manwel Mifsud, il-President tal-Kunsill tal-Malti u Professur tal-Malti fl-Università ta' Malta, Bernard Comrie (mill-“Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology”), Martine Vanhove (mil-“Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire (LLACAN)”), u Ray Fabri mid-Dipartiment tal-Lingwistika tal-Università ta’ Malta in?atru b?ala vi?i-Presidenti.