Bachelor Thesis
If you are interested in working on one of the bachelor theses listed below, please send your completed profile [Download: Bewerbungsformular Bachelorarbeit IEM2_05.12. ENG.docx] to bewerbung.bachelorarbeit.iem2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de or neli.perchemlievaprotect me ?!innovation.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.deuntil 28. February 2025. After your application, we will contact you as soon as possible for a personal interview. If both sides agree, you will receive a confirmation to write your thesis at the IPMI immediately (before 15 March). Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
While working on your Bachelor's thesis, you will receive intensive supervision from one of our research assistants. In preparation, the IPMI offers a seminar (details to follow). In this seminar, you will be advised on the preparation of your Bachelor's thesis and all topics will be finalised.
All Bachelor's theses at the IPMI are staggered, i.e. all students start their work on 07.04.2025 and will have completed it according to the regulations of their Bachelor's degree programme. The final grade will be awarded at the end of the semester at the latest.
Joe Waterstraat, M.Sc. | Schwerpunkt KI, Datenverarbeitung und Analysen: LLMs in der Patentanalyse: Patentindikatoren mit GPT, LLama, Gemma, Mistral etc. (diverse Indikatoren zur Auswahl) |
Joe Waterstraat, M.Sc. | Schwerpunkt Expertenbefragung: Durchführung von Expertenbefragungen in diversen Technologiefeldern: Vergleich von LLM-basierten Bewertungen mit Expertenbefragungen |
Laura Berensmeier, M.Sc. | Nutzung von generativer künstlicher Intelligenz zur Identifikation von Multi-Cross-Industry Potentialen von veredelten Innovationsideen |
Laura Berensmeier, M.Sc. | Die Universit?t der Zukunft: Analyse bestehender Szenarien |