K?stlbauer, Josef, Dr.
Curriculum vitae
Since 2020: Heinz Heinen Fellow, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
2016–2020: Researcher, ERC Consolidator Grant “German Slavery”
2012–2015: Researcher, FWF project “Discourse and Art Historical Studies of Continent Allegories in the South of the Holy Roman Empire” (http://erdteilallegorien.univie.ac.at.)
2010–2012: Apokesperson, Directorate of Studies, Department of History, University of Vienna
2011: Awarded doctorate in History, University of Vienna (with distinction)
2008–2010: Project coordinator, “The World of the Habsburgs” (http://www.habsburger.net)
2002–2004: Staff member, e-learning project “Geschichte Online” (History Online) (http://www.geschichte-online.at)
2001–2003: Research project “Concepts and Ideas of Europe in the Seventeenth Century” (http://www.univie.ac.at/igl.geschichte/europaquellen/), financed by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.
2000–2003: Project staff, www.pastperfect.at – “66 Years of a Caesura” (http://www.pastperfect.at), funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank.
1994–2000: Degree in History, History of Art and Communication Science, University of Vienna.
Fellowships and Grants
2006: Research Fellow, Library of the JFK Institute, FU Berlin
2006: Scholarship, Forum Alpbach
2004–2005: Ministry of Science Fellow, University of New Orleans
1999: Research Travel Grant, University of Vienna
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For papers see http://bremen.academia.edu/Koestlbauer
Edited volumes
- Grenzen auf der Landkarte und im Kopf. Mandelbaum Verlag 2016. (with Helene Breitenfellner, Eberhard Crailsheim, Eugen Pfister)
- Continent Allegories in the Barock Age. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2016. (with Wolfgang Schmale, Marion Romberg)
- 2013 Computer – Spiele – Geschichte. Historische Sozialkunde 4/2013. Wien.
- 2006 Sexuality in Austria. Contemporary Austrian Studiesvol. 15, New Brunswick: Transaction 2006. (with Günter Bischof, Dagmar Herzog)
- 2004 Studien zur europ?ischen Identit?t im 17. Jahrhundert. Herausforderungen vol. 15, Winkler Verlag: Bochum 2004. (with Rolf Felbinger und Wolfgang Schmale)
- Verloren im Paradies: Menschbilder in Magnum P.I. In: Stefan Zahlmann (ed.), Menschenbilder in Science Fiction und Fantasy. Berlin: Panama Verlag 2016.
- Seriality, Symmetry, and Double Coding: Some thoughts on the mediality of the allegories of the four continents and images as historical sources. In: Wolfgang Schmale, Josef K?stlbauer, Marion Romberg (ed.): Continent Allegories in the Barock Age. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2016.
- Spiel und Geschichte im Zeichen der Digitalit?t. In: Wolfgang Schmale et al. (eds.), Digital Humanities. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2015. 95-124.
- ComputerSpielGeschichte. In: Historische Mitteilungen 26 (2014). 107-110.
- Do Computers Play History? In: Florian Kerschbaumer, Tobias Winnerling (eds.), Early Modernity and Video Games. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014. 25-36.
- Simulation und Imagination: Gedanken zum Problem der Realit?t im Computerspiel. In: Computer – Spiele – Geschichte. Historische Sozialkunde 4/2013. 9-16.
- The Strange Attraction of Simulation: Realism, Authenticity, Virtuality. In: Playing with the Past: Digital games and the Simulation of History. London, New York: Bloomsbury Academic Press 2013. 169-213.
- How Digital Media challenge Research on the Eighteenth Century. In: Johannes Frimmel, Werner Telesko, Thomas Wallnig (eds.), 18th Century Studies in Austria 1945-2010. Bochum: Winkler Verlag 2011 (=The Eighteenth Century and the Habsburg Monarchy International Seriesvol. 4) 245-260.
- Digitale Visualisierungssysteme für die Geschichtswissenschaft (co-authored with Martin Gasteiner). In: Kunstgeschichte Aktuell 4/2008.
- Struggle for Control of the Peripheries. Comparing American Borderlands of the 18th Century. In: Arnold Suppan, Richard Lein (eds.), From the Habsburgs to Central Europe. Europa OrientalisBd. 6, Wien, Berlin: LIT Verlag 2008. 77-100.
- Europa und die Osmanen – Das identit?tsstiftende Andere. In: Wolfgang Schmale, Rolf Felbinger, Günter Kastner, Josef K?stlbauer, (eds.), Studien zur europ?ischen Identit?t im 17. Jahrhundert. Bochum: Winkler Verlag 2004. 45-71.
- Europabegriffe und Europavorstellungen im 17. Jahrhundert (co-authored with Rolf Felbinger, Günter Kastner, Wolfgang Schmale). Interregiones 12 (2003). 79-99.
- French and Indian War. Der Krieg in Amerika, 1754-1763. Historicum 4/1999. 28-34.
- Rainald Becker, Nordamerika aus Süddeutscher Perspektive. Die neue Welt in der gelehrten Kommunikation des 18. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 2012. In: Mitteilungen des Instituts für ?sterreichische Geschichtsforschung 123. Wien: B?hlau 2014. 234-236.
- Eckhard Leuschner, Thomas Wünsch (eds.), Das Bild des Feindes. Konstruktion von Antagonismen und Kulturtransfer im Zeitalter der Türkenkriege. Ostmitteleuropa, Italien und Osmanisches Reich. Berlin: Gebr. Mann 2013. In: Renate Zedinger (ed.), Das 18. Jahrhundert und ?sterreich 29, Bochum: Winkler Verlag 2015. 403-405.
- Raingard E?er, Steven G. Ellis (eds.), Frontier and Border Regions in Early Modern Europe. Hannover: Wehrhahn 2013. In: Sehepunkte www.sehepunkte.de/2014/10/25062.html
- Florian Kerschbaumer, Tobias Winnerling (eds.), Frühe Neuzeit im Videospiel. Bielefeld: transcript 2014. In: Frühneuzeit-Info 25 (2014) 280 f.
- Steven G. Ellis, Raingard E?er (eds.), Frontiers and the Writing of History, 1500-1850. Hannover: Wehrhahn 2006. In: Hessisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte vol. 57. Marburg: Hess. Landesamt für geschichtliche Landeskunde 2007.
- Review Essay: Borders in Recent Austrian Historiography. In: Günter Bischof, Anton Pelinka (eds.), Austrian Foreign Policy (Contemporary Austrian StudiesBd. 15, New Brunswick: Transaction 2005. 361-372.
- David Armitage, Michael J. Braddick (eds.), The British Atlantic World, 1500-1800. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002. In: Thomas Fr?schl (ed.), Atlantische Geschichte (=Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit 2/03, Studienverlag: Innsbruck 2003).
Current project/sub-project in the framework of the ERC Grant:
Cosmopolitan Slavery: The Moravian Church and its Slaves in Eighteenth Century Europe
The project examines the lives of enslaved individuals in the congregation settlements of the Moravian Church in Europe, the ethnic, social and legal attributions to which they were subjected, their scope for agency and their significance for discourses on slavery and freedom.
Missionary work was a central aim of the Moravian Church and played a key role in is rapid global expansion. From its very outset, missionaries sought to convert African slaves in the Caribbean islands, but the Moravian faithful also established communities with and among enslaved and abducted people. As a global community (Gisela Mettele), they also took people of non-European origin back to the empire with them: these individuals found themselves in contradictory positions calling for closer study, positions ranging from complete integration into the religious and economic community as fully-fledged siblings to servitude or bondage – and in some circumstances all three at once. Whatever the case, in the community they were viewed and understood as living testimony to the Moravian missionary idea. The project investigates the significance the egalitarian ideals and the special organisational structure of the Unity of Brethren held for relations with these non-European people and the consequences of their presence. This must be examined in the broader context of the discourses and experiences of missionary work, slavery and bondage in the eighteenth century.