
IERP Seminar

The IERP Seminar allows different working groups of the institute to get together and exchange ideas. At the beginning and end of each semester, organizational matters are clarified, new staff members have the opportunity to introduce themselves, and guests, lectures and conferences are announced. The other dates are open to every member of the institute to discuss new ideas, models or scientific publications in order to get constructive feedback from colleagues. The seminar usually takes place every Wednesday during the lecture period at 16:00 in room F 2330 in the WiWi2 building, and everyone is allowed to attend.

For this semester (WiSe 2024/2025), seminar presenters can choose between the modes online and offline.

Weekly Wed 16:00 - 18:00 hrs (room F3290 in the WiWi2 building).

The current program with information about the already scheduled presentations and remaining open slots can be found here.

For an invitation to the online seminars or if you have further questions about the seminar, please contact: 


Economic Colloquium

The Economic Colloquium is a lecture series in which renowned researchers from various fields of economics are guests and present their work at our institute.

The poster for the current semester can be found here.

12.11.2024 Valeriya Dinger (Osnabrück University) ? Securitization Redux: Foreign Currency Covered Bonds and Bank Lending

19.11.2024 Tom Broekel (UiSBusiness School) ? tba

26.11.2024 Erkan G?ren (University of Oldenburg) ? The Impact of Foreign Aid on Local Conflicts in Africa

10.12.2024 Markus Ludwig (TU Braunschweig)? tba

17.12.2024 Matthias Busse (Ruhr University Bochum) ? The Impact of Black Economic Empowerment on the Performance of Listed Firms in South Africa


For questions about the Economic Colloquium, contact: