Dr. PH Susannne Stiefler

Susanne Stiefler
Profile image: Dr. Susanne Stiefler

Research associate

Susanne Stiefler holds a doctorate in health sciences from the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen. She specialises in research on care structures for people in need of care based on routine health insurance data.


Working Group on the Collection and Utilisation of Secondary Data (AGENS)

Professional career

seit 04/2017

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung, Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, Universit?t Bremen


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Interdisziplin?re Alterns- und Pflegeforschung (iap), Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, Universit?t Bremen


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der FU Berlin

Academic career


Doctorate in Public Health at the University of Bremen

Title of the doctorate: Predictors for moving into a nursing home and outpatient assisted living communities as alternative places of residence for people with care needs. An exploration based on routine data from health and long-term care insurance and international empirical evidence

Master's programme in Public Health/Nursing Science at the University of Bremen

Specialisation: Prevention research and health promotion

Degree: Master of Arts


Bachelor's degree programme in Public Health/Health Sciences at the University of Bremen

Specialisation: Health promotion and prevention

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

  • Health services research on medical and nursing care

  • Evaluation of the use of innovative technologies in care

  • Quantitative methods and secondary data analyses with a focus on routine health insurance data

  • Counselling in nursing (summer semester 2016 to summer semester 2017)

  • Introduction to POL (winter semester 2014/2015 to winter semester 2016/2017)

  • Introduction to the technique of scientific work (summer semester 2014 to summer semester 2016)

  • Care settings and target groups II (winter semester 2013/2014)