Working group intersectionality informed sex/gender perspectives

In November 2020, we reinitialized our working group which focuses on sex/gender-sensitive health research and promotion. We understand sex/gender as multidimensional, i.e. it is not a static, binary, and individual characteristic but consists of multiple entangled biological (sex) and social dimensions (gender). It is context-dependent and can only be understood by considering further social and structural dimensions. Gender-sensitive, intersectionality informed health research and promotion represents an opportunity to overcome health inequalities and to improve the quality of care and research.
The working group organizes workshops for (student) research projects, events (see Brown Bag Session 11.2020), and discussion rounds on current issues. Furthermore, it provides advise during the application process.
Sophie Horstmann, Department of Social Epidemiology, research focus on quantitative intersectionality informed and sex/gender-sensitive Public Health Research (Projects DIVERGesTOOL and INGER)
Email: sophie.horstmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Gabriele Bolte, Prof. Dr., Department of Social Epidemiology, research focus on quantitative intersectionality informed and sex/gender-sensitive Public Health Research (Projects DIVERGesTOOL, INGER, AdvanceGender, GeUmGe-NET and Gender and Diversity Officer of the Faculty 11)
Sophie Horstmann, Department of Social Epidemiology, research focus on quantitative intersectionality informed and sex/gender-sensitive Public Health Research (Projects DIVERGesTOOL and INGER)
Christina Hartig, Department of Social Epidemiology, research focus on quantitative intersectionality informed and sex/gender-sensitive Public Health Research (Project INGER)
Emily Mena, Department of Social Epidemiology and Department of Prevention and Health Promotion, research focus on quantitative intersectionality informed and sex/gender-sensitive Public Health Research (Projcet AdvanceGender)