

ZERP Colloquium on 27 November 2024, 6:00 p.m.

Lecture and discussion with PD Dr. Kolja M?ller

In guter Verfassung? 75 Jahre Grundgesetz

Fifth Bremen Talks on the Constitutional State on 6 December 2024 in Bremen

Group photo doctoral awards ceremony

Doctoral Awards Ceremony 2024

On 19 November 2024, this year's doctoral awards ceremony of the Faculty of Law took plance in the Kaminsaal of Bremen Town Hall.

Lecture: Die EU der Zukunft: Gr??er, flexibler und effizienter?

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess LL.M. Eur (FU Berlin), followed by discussion, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in room 40010.

Prof. Dr. Abbo Junker

Bigas Invites to a Lecture on 27 November (Wednesday) at 5:00 p.m. s.t.

Professor Dr. Abbo Junker (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t Munich) will talk about repayment clauses for education and payment in employment contracts (in German).

Participants of the area of specialisation

Field of Specialisation Labour and Social Security visits 74th German Jurist Forum in Stuttgart

From 24 - 27 December 2024, the Field of Specialisation Labour and Social Security had the pleasure to take part in the 74th German Jurist Forum (DJT) in Stuttgart.

Bürgermeister Bovenschulte h?lt eine Rede anl?sslich der Er?ffnung der Uni Bremen in der City / Jura Fachbereich

Mayor Bovenschulte Welcomes the First Semesters

On 7 October, the Mayor and President of the Senate Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, himself a gradudate of the Faculty, welcomed the new first semesters at Forum at Domshof.

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Coffee Lectures at Domshof

The Faculty presents itself, on Wednesdays, 11.00 a.m., Forum at Domshof.

Orientation Week 2024

The Orientation Week for the winter semester 2024/25 takes place from 7 - 11 October.

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Summer Party of the Institute of Commercial Law

On 26 June 2024, of the Institute of Commercial Law celebrated its traditional summer party.

Updated by: FB6