The Vocational Pathway and Culture in Practice

? Ya?ar Wentz

Your own personalized career path allows you to develop practical skills relevant to the world of work, while at the same time giving you direct exposure to the wide-ranging professional openings available. This then prepares you for jobs in the media, culture industry, integration and cultural mediation / education, cultural management, or in a development organization.

In year one students acquire basic academic work techniques, together with vocationally relevant skills, such as online searches, blog contributions, journalistic and academic writing and presentations. They’re also able to explore thesefields in the framework of ethnographicresearch based on their own personal areas of interest. The General Studies offerings for Cultural specialists allow participants to acquire basic skills in project management, as well as gaining relevant legal and business knowledge. The wide variety of seminars on offer allows students to learn more about contemporaryfields in whichCultural Research know-how is relevant - such as museums, neighbourhood projects, cultural institutions or the media branch. Experienced practitioners provide support for students’ own projects. During the internship phase third-year students gain valuable hands-on experience.