
Workshop logo

CECAM workshop

Michael is coordinator of the CECAM-workshop "Magnetic interactions and topological spin textures in 2D van der Waals magnets and heterostructures", taking place from 2025-06-25 till  2025-06-27.

Title figure of the CMD31-workshop

Mini-colloqium on the CMD31

Michael organizes the mini-colloqium MC34 - Nonequilibrium dynamics and control of quantum materials on the CMD31 in Braga, Portugal. Visit the website of the conference for further details and registrations.


Michael awarded with ERC Consolidator Grant

With the ERC Consolidator Grant, he will receive funding of around two million euros. The funding will benefit the CAVMAT research project he is leading, which focuses on new ways of changing matter through light.

Further details in the university's press release.

Invited speaker at DPG Spring-Meeting

Michael has been invited as speaker at the DPG Spring Meeting in Berlin (17.-22.03.2024) in the section for condensed matter (SKM).

Logo of the QOElectrons 25 Workshop

Quantum Optics of Correlated Electron Systems (Jan/Feb 2025)

Michael is co-organizing the KITP-Workshop "Quantum Optics of Correlated Electron Systems" at UC Santa Barbara.

We are here!

The new web site of the LMCQM group is taking shape.

Michael Sentef takes chair for theoretical solid state physics

Michael Sentef starts the summer term 2023 as professor for theoretical solid state physics in Bremen.