All Funded Projects


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Yannik Appiarius from University of Bremen visiting Prof. Dr. Campa?a at the University of Granada,Spain.

Research stay at the University of Granada for (Chir)optical Measurements

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Syedah Afsheen Zahra from Pakistan visiting Dr. M. Mangir Murshe

From 12th September 2022 to 11th October 2022 I had an opportunity to conduct my research with professor PD Dr. habil. M. Mangir Murshed at Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Crystallography, University of Bremen. The research project involves the  Raman study of 2D double transition metal…

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Rabbia Naz from Pakistan visiting Prof. Lutz M?dler

Synthesis and Characterization of LMO-Nanoparticles for Li-ion Batteries

Paulina Abril Villagomez Mondragon

Paulina Abril Villagómez Mondragón?(Mexico) visiting Prof. Callsen/Prof. Gutowski

June 3 to August 12

Paulina Abril Villagómez Mondragón from International Laboratory of Environment Electron Devices (LAIDEA) visiting Prof. Callsen/Prof. Gutowski (FB1, Solid State Physics, Semiconductor Optics)

My research stay at the University of Bremen from June 3 to August 12 in the group of…


Sourabh Kumar

Shourabh Kumar from the Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Kamand visiting Prof. Dr. Tim Stauch

From  5th November to 6th December 2019 I had the opportunity to visit the University of Bremen. I worked under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Tim Stauch at the Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry. The Stauch group recently developed quantum chemical methods for the theoretical and…

Wagner A. Alves

Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro Insituto de Quimica

I am delighted to thank MAPEX for the financial support during my research stay at Bremen University from October 2019 to March 2020 and for being hosted by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Kiefer at the Production Engineering Department. The aim of my visit was to intensify activities related to the use of…

Grazia Leonzio

Grazia Leonzio from University of L' Aquila, Host at University of Bremen: Prof. Dr. Edwin Zondervan

I had the opportunity to do this incredible experience and I’d like to express my sincere thanks to MAPEX Centre for Materials and Processes. I have been hosted by Prof. Dr. Edwin Zondervan in the Laboratory of Process System Engineering (PSE). My role during this research visit was to develop a…

Juan Ignacio Goizueta

Juan Ignacio Goizueta from National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina visiting Prof. Dr. Thorsten Gesing

1. Introduction: motivation and goals of the stay

My home research group led by Prof. Dr. Mendive in Argentina, is now working in the synthesis of several Metal Organic Framework (MOF) structures which have the potentiality for applications in the field of photoprotection, environmental treatment,…

Alejandra Ramos Vences

Host at University of Bremen: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gutowski, Science of Sustainable Materials, ENES Morelia UNAM, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Final Report

Abstract and Intermediate Report


In order to successfully conclude my thesis supervised by Dr. J. C. Nolasco and Dr. A. Castro-Carranza with outstanding results, the general goal of this short research stay at Prof. Gutowski’s Semiconductor Optics research group, Institute…

Jairo Nolasco

Research Center on Micro and Nanotechnology MICRONA, Veracruz University, Mexico

I am very grateful with MAPEX for the economical and logistic support to visit the University of Bremen in September 2019, and for being hosted by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gutowski and his Semiconductor Optics group, Institute of Solid State Physics. The aim of my visit was to study the mechanisms of…

Baris Demir

Dr. Baris Demir from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia visiting Prof Dr. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

First of all, I’d like to express my sincere thanks to MAPEX Centre for Materials and Processes to grant me this very prestigious and competitive research fund, which enabled me to come all the way from Brisbane, Australia. Without this grant, it could not have been possible to land on this…

Nevaf Ciftci

Nevaf Ciftci besucht das Institute of Materials Research at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan

From 11. Feb. 2019 to 22. Mar. 2019, I had the opportunity to join the Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Materials at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. My stay was hosted by Prof. Noriharu Yodoshi who is a recognized expert in the field of iron-based glass-forming alloys as well as the…

Aman Baunthiyal

Aman Baunthiyal from Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India visiting Prof. Dr. Jens Falta

The main objective of my visit was to study the morphological characteristics of vanadium dioxide(VO2) films on various different substrates using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). The surface physics lab of Prof. Dr. Jens Falta provides the ideal environment and techniques for surface…


Funded Projects

Marcus Stuckenholz besucht Dr. Kenneth Kroenlein (NIST - Thermodynamic Research Center, Boulder, CO, USA)

From 2nd to 6th of July 2018 I had the opportunity to visit Dr. Kenneth Kroenlein and the Thermodynamic Research Center (TRC) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

During my stay, experimental binary vapor liquid equilibria (VLE) data obtained in…

Magdalena Thode besucht die Versammlung des Committee of Space Research (COSPAR) in den USA

Im Juli 2018 hatte ich die M?glichkeit an der wissenschaftlichen Versammlung des COSPAR in den USA teilzunehmen und dort einen Vortrag zu halten. Bei der Konferenz knüpfte ich neue Kontakte, traf viele Bekannte, lernte ich die Forschung anderer Teilnehmer kennen und erfuhr einiges über diverse…

(Institute of Solid State Phycics) visiting the National School of Higher Studies Unit Morelia, National Autonomous University of Mexico (ENES Morelia UNAM)

From 18th January to 07th May 2018 I had the opportunity to visit the National School of Higher Studies Unit Morelia, National Autonomous University of Mexico (ENES Morelia UNAM). There I workedwith Dr. Alejandra Castro-Carranza, Research Ambassador of the University of Bremen and guest inthe group…


(Wroc?aw University of Science and Technology, Poland) visiting Dr. M. Fischer (FB5, Crystallography)

2 October - 26 October 2017

My stay in the Crystallography Group at the University of Bremen took place from 2 to 26 October 2017. The research topics raised during my internship were closely related to the subject of the work carried out within my PhD studies at Wroclaw University of Science and…

Andrea Kirsch

(Solid State Chemical Crystallography) visiting the Hercules European School (Université Grenoble Alpes)

27 February 2017 - 30 March 2017

In March 2017 I got the chance to attend the international Hercules school. It is a 5-week course and one of the most regarded schools worldwide for users of synchrotron or neutron radiation sources. It has been held in Grenoble, France at the Institute Laue…

(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) visiting Dr. K. Koschek (IFAM), 1 February - 28 February 2017

I had the opportunity to make my stay in the research group of Dr. Katharina Koschek in Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM) at the University of Bremen in February 2017. The experience was very positive and useful.

The main objective during my visit was…


Joaquin Hernán Ubogui

(Universidad Mar del Plata, Argentinia) visiting Prof. T. M. Gesing (FB2, Solid State Chemical Crystallography)

7 November 2016 - 25 November 2016

The research stay was very fruitful from the research work viewpoint since it was possible to prepare and characterize the above described materials but also for learning techniques, methodologies, and procedures which are part of the expertise of the research…

Eliseo Marin Rimoldi

(University of Notre Dame, USA) visiting Dr. Daniela Kerlé (FB4, Technische Thermodynamik)

12 August 2016 - 22 August 2016

My research stay in the group of Engineering Thermodynamics at the University of Bremen was very helpful and set the basics for possible collaborations in the future. During my visit, I had to the opportunity to present the work I have been conducting at Notre Dame…

(IAPC) visiting Prof. J. F. Weaver (University of Florida, USA)

1 August 2016 - 15 October 2016

I am very grateful to MAPEX for the great opportunity to become an active part in a collaboration between the University of Florida in Gainesville and the University of Bremen that has been maintained for several years, now. My research stay at the University of…

(IFP-Surface Physics) visiting Prof. J. V. Lauritsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)

1 August 2016 - 31 August 2016

My stay at Aarhus University was full of excitements, finally meeting the scientists around Jeppe Vang Lauritsen and himself at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNano). Previously, all of them were best known to me for their work and impact on the growth and…

(University of Strathclyde) visiting Dr. Michael Fischer (FB5, Crystallography)

22 May 2016 - 29 May 2016

The visit to Bremen University enabled me to gain a better understanding of the role of Quantum Mechanics (QM) calculations and the role they can play in identifying the adsorption behaviour of gas adsorbates within Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs). I was able to improve…

Monika Michaelis

(BCCMS) visiting Prof. Carole Perry (Nottingham Trent University, UK)

1 February - 29 February 2016

My stay at the Nottingham Trent university in the  group of Professor Perry was very rewarding. The Biomolecular Materials Interface Research Group provided an excellent infrastructure to support my PhD studies and the group members were very obliging. The opportunity…

Tobias Bollhorst

(Advanced Ceramics) visiting Prof. K. Dawson (University College Dublin)

18 January - 15 February 2016

The objective of the MAPEX research stay was the characterization of the structural integrity and surface interactions of submicron colloidosomes in aqueous and biological media. Differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and…


Nils Hildebrand

(BCCMS) visiting Prof. Giovanni Bussi in Trieste, Italy

22 November - 4 December 2015

The two weeks visit in the Molecular and Statistical Biophysics Group in Trieste was a productive, innovative and all around motivating experience. The opportunity of getting in touch with a group with longtime experience and expertise in a certain research field has…

Mariano Curti

Mariano Curti from Argentina visiting the group of Prof. Thorsten Gesing in October 2015

4 October - 10 October 2015

My stay at the Chemische Kristallographie fester Stoffe group was extremely positive. The excellent infrastructure of this group and the helpfulness of its members made the stay very productive, educative, and enjoyable. Without any doubt, the MAPEX grant offered me a…

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