Olga Bosak

Digital marketing


Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen
WIWI 2 building, room F3200

phone: +49 (0)421 218-66747
olga.bosakprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



  •  PersonA
  • Voice Marketing
  • Voice Perception
  • Personality Research
  • Brand Communication
  • Brand Identity

About Olga Bosak:

Olga Bosak joined Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbei?'s Digital Marketing working group as a research assistant and doctoral student in September 2019.

Previously she studied 'International Studies in Management' (B.A.) at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld with a stay abroad at the Hogeschool Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She completed her master's degree in ‘International Business and Management’ (M.A.) at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück.

She gained practical experience as an intern in an NGO and a start-up in the cosmetics industry, as an employee in an SEO agency and at a company in the kitchen retail trade.



Hoebertz, M., Vo?, M., P?ppelbu?, J., Bosak, O., Mohsenzadeh, F., Schnebbe, M., Eisenbeiss, M., Buchner, B., Greve, A., Schomburg, F., Lorenz, A., Wegge, A., Sch?necker, A.-M., & Saeidi, W. (2023). Design principles and implementation of personalised assistance systems considering data protection. In Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt im Mittelstand 2: Ergebnisse und Best Practice des BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkts" Zukunft der Arbeit: Mittelstand-innovativ und sozial" (pp. 215-252). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Voss, M., Bosak, O., Hoebertz, M., Mohsenzadeh, F., Schnebbe, M., Poeppelbuss, J., & Eisenbeiss, M. (2022). Design Principles for Personalized Assistance Systems that Respect Privacy. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 14(4), 461-489. https://doi.org/10.17705/1thci.00176

Voss, M., Hoebertz, M., Bosak, O., Mohsenzadeh, F., Schnebbe, M., Poeppelbuss, J., M. Eisenbeiss. (2021). Privacy-Centered Design Principles for Employee-Determined Data Collection and Use in Personalized Assistance Systems. AMCIS 2021 Proceedings. 4. https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2021/info_security/info_security/4