David Brüninghaus

Innovative Brand Management


Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen
WIWI 2 Building, Room F3390

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66578


Personal details

David Brüninghaus has been a doctoral student in the working group "Innovative Brand Management" since October 2020.

He completed booth his Bachelor?s and Master?s degree at the University of Bremen. In his Bachelor's degree he focused on international entrepreneurship, management and marketing. In the Master's programme, he further intensified the focus of his Bachelor's degree and chose to study Marketing and Brand Management as well as Start-up and SME Management.

Mr. Brüninghaus was able to gain practical experience especially in the form of self-employment with various start-up projects. In this context he was also active as a student assistant at Lemex for two years. In addition to experience in the field of company foundation, Mr. Brüninghaus also has experience in management consulting. In this field he has already supervised projects in the area of brand positioning and internal brand management.