
Current Events

People in conversation in a seminar room.

Seminarseries 2024 / 2025

This semester's seminar series starts on 11th of November at 2 pm and is held in person as well as online.


Past Events

Seminarseries 2024

Our seminar series will continue this semester: Starting on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the Soda Lab invites you to a weekly discourse on computer-based methods in the social sciences. The series will take place on Mondays from 15:00 to 16:00, with the exception of the first lecture and will be hybrid to allow for presentations and participation from around the world. Please reach out to sodalabprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de for Zoom details.

Our aim is to create a space that brings together methodologically interested researchers of all career stages to foster interdisciplinary exchange and shared learning.

Glasshall Uni Bremen

Seminarseries 2023

Beginning on 23rd October, at SOCIUM, we had weekly presentations and discussions on new and future-oriented methods across disciplines and research traditions. The series is intended to create a space for methodologically interested scientists at all career levels and to promote mutual exchange and learning from each other. At the same time, the lecture series is also the starting signal for the Social Data Laboratory, which will organize further events in the future and act as an umbrella for methodological cooperation and innovation in the social sciences here in Bremen. The lecture series will be hybrid in order to enable presentations and participation from all corners of the world.

Measuring Culture Workshop November 2023

Pr?sentation im Raum. Gruppe von Teilnehmer*innen schauen Richtung pr?sentierende Person. Auf der Pr?sentation steht Measuring Culture

Measuring Culture: Advancing Computational Approaches in Sociological Research

The two-day workshop brought together 15-20 researchers who are interested in using computational and formal approaches in the sociological study of culture. The workshop covered a wide range of research topics that employ network and text analytical applications, as well as computer vision approaches to study cultural phenomena. Participants had the opportunity to discuss novel data sources and formats, including unstructured text files, images, songs, or videos, to share ideas on collecting and storing such data and dealing with data quality issues.