Seminarseries 2024
Schedule 2024
Our seminar series will continue this semester: Starting on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the Soda Lab invites you to a weekly discourse on computer-based methods in the social sciences. The series will take place on Mondays from 14:00 to 15:00, with the exception of the first lecture and will be hybrid to allow for presentations and participation from around the world. Please reach out to sodalabprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de for Zoom details.
Our aim is to create a space that brings together methodologically interested researchers of all career stages to foster interdisciplinary exchange and shared learning.
Facing the Voters - Individual and Institutional Determinants of Personalization in Social Media Images.
Marius S?ltzer, University of Oldenburg
BIGSSS, Conference room 7.3280
Read my face – but not my mind!? Automated Emotion Detection in Political and Communication Research.
Stephanie Geise, ZEMKI, University of Bremen
BIGSSS, Conference room 7.3280
Exploring the Political Rhetoric of Science through Natural Language Processing.
Sukayna Younger-Khan, Excellence Cluster The Politics of Inequality, University of Konstanz
SOCIUM, R. 3.3390 (Online Vortrag)
Utilizing Event History Models with Limited Cases, Illustrated through Language Policies.
Helen Seitzer, InIIS, University of Bremen
SOCIUM, R. 3.3390
Extracting Job Tasks from Job Ads: A Lexical Semantic Approach Based on Verb-Object Relations.
Wiebke Schulz, SOCIUM, University of Bremen
SOCIUM, R. 3.3390
What Do They Meme? Exploring the Role of Memes as Cultural and Identity-Shaping Symbols for Online Communities.
Theresa Henn, University of Bamberg
SOCIUM, R. 3.3390