
Bachelor lectures

Stoffübertragung 1 & 2 (WiSe)

Anlagenplanung 1 (SoSe)

Prozess- und Anlagentechnik am Beispiel von Bioraffinerien (WiSe)

Master lectures

Umweltverfahrenstechnik 1 & 2 (SoSe)

Biotechnologie & Bioverfahrenstechnik 1 & 2 (WiSe)

Regenerative Erzeugung von Gas- und Kraftstoffen: Biogas (SoSe)

Mikroverfahrenstechnik (SoSe)

Anlagenplanung 2 (SoSe)

All lectures, practical exercises and laboratory classes offered during the summer and winter semester are listed in the University's course catalogue.

Registration for the lectures must be effected online via  Stud.IP . All documents, assignments, handouts, etc. related to the lectures can be accessed and downloaded via Stud.IP (https://elearning.uni-bremen.de/) .