Dr. phil. Ramona Kreis
Dr. phil. Ramona Kreis
Büro: GW 2, A 3.610
Telefon: 0421 218-68186
Sprechzeiten: montags, 10:30 – 12:00 Uhr (keine Sprechzeiten am 31.3. und ab 14.4.)
E-Mail: rkreisprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
seit 06/2023 | Wissenschaftliche Angestellte im Studienzentrum des Fachbereichs 10, Universit?t Bremen |
10/2020 - 09/2024 | Lektorin für englische Sprachwissenschaft, Universit?t Bremen |
07/2019 - 06/2020 | Visiting Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, USA |
05/2019 | Ph.D. (Linguistics and Applied Language Studies), University of South Florida, USA |
08/2014 - 05/2019 | Graduate Teaching Associate, University of South Florida, USA |
05/2014 | 1. Staatsexamen (Englisch, Politikwissenschaft), Universit?t Heidelberg |
05/2012 | Master of Education, Carthage College, USA |
- Introduction to English Linguistics 1
- Introduction to English Linguistics 2 - Research Methods
- The Politics and Discourse Practices of Sustainability
- Pragmatics for Language Teaching
- Discourse Analysis
- Second Language Acquisition
- Language and Education through a Critical Lens
- Language and Society in North America
- The Language of Computer‐mediated Communication
- Key Moments in the Linguistic History of the English-Speaking World
- Key Topics in Linguistics/Language History for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the Foreign Language Classroom (M. Ed.)
Callies, M., & Kreis, R. (2024). Torn between prescription and innovation. Corpora and World Englishes in language teacher education. Second Language Teacher Education, 2(2), 209-232.
Vásquez, C., & Kreis, R. (2023). Pragmatics and discourse analysis. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics (2nd ed.). Wiley.
Kreis, R. (2022). Data collection, preparation, and managment. In C. Vásquez (Ed.), Research methods for digital discourse analysis (pp. 73-90). Bloomsbury.
Kreis, R. (2020). The role of language in social media during the European migrant crisis. In K. McIntosh (Ed.), Applied linguistics and language teaching in the neo-nationalist era (pp. 163-188). Palgrave Macmillan.
Kreis, R. (2017). #refugeesnotwelcome: Anti-refugee discourse on Twitter. Discourse & Communication, 11 (5), 498-514.
Kreis, R. (2017). The “Tweet Politics” of President Trump. Journal of Language and Politics, 16 (4), 607-618. [Special Issue: Right-Wing Populism in Europe & USA: Contesting Politics & Discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’]
Kreis, R., & Callies, M. (2023). Torn between prescription and innovation. Corpora and World Englishes in language teacher education. Global Englishes Language Teaching. A Symposium, May 31, Münster, Germany.
Kreis. R. (2022). "Sexismus nothing else." Twitter discussions about sexism and politics in the case of Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock. Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis (ADDA 3), May 14, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kreis, R. (2019). “My goldfish died. #Merkel’s Dead??” Twitter user reactions to right-wing discourses after the 2016 Berlin terrorist attack. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, March 11, Atlanta, GA.
Kreis, R., & Chlapowski, T. (2018). “If I was French or something, would I be taking German? Probably not”: Language ideologies of German heritage learners, American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, March 24, Chicago, IL.
Kreis, R. (2017). From #wirschaffendas to #MerkelsTote: Twitter users’ reactions during the European refugee crisis, ?sterreichische Linguistentagung, December 8, Klagenfurt, Austria.
Kreis, R. (2017). The multilingual online discourse of the European refugee crisis on Twitter, 15th International Pragmatics Conference, July 20, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Kreis, R. (2017). The “tweet politics” of President Trump. Alternative Truths and Un-Truths: Implications for Democracy, Diversity, and Data in Education, April 24, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
Chlapowski, T., Kreis, R., Tracy-Ventura, N., & Vásquez, C. (2017). “El valenciano es el problema número uno”: Language ideologies of residence abroad students in Spain, Spanish in Society, March 30, Southampton, Great Britain.