Impulses for Interdisciplinary Research Projects

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes invites all MAPEX members to apply for funding that is especially dedicated to the initiation of new interdisciplinary collaborations and projects between two or more MAPEX members from at least two different disciplines and groups. At least one of the members of the consortium should be an Early Career Investigator.

For a successful application, a strong interdisciplinary character of the project is essential as well as a clear connection to current topics within the MAPEX research landscape. It is the declared aim of this funding scheme to establish and foster new internal cooperation within the MAPEX community, across the borders of the faculties and institutes. This includes in particular preparatory projects for coordinated DFG or EU proposals.


Consortia consisting of two or more MAPEX members (usually at least one Early Career Investigator) from at least two different disciplines (chemistry, physics, production engineering, mathematics, geoscience, material science) and at least two different research groups can apply. Preference will be given to projects, which initiate not previously existing collaborations.


Funding up to 5000 € per project is available. When resources are limited, preference will be given to applications submitted by young researchers (ECIs) and applicants who have not yet been recipients of a MAPEX Impulse Grant. Proposals with connection to projects with third-party funding that are already running can not be funded.

Upon completion of the project and not later than one year after the start of the project, the consortium must provide a short written report (2-5 pages). Depending on the proposed duration of the project, a mid-term report is required.


Applications need to be submitted in electronic form (see below) to the MAPEX executive board, represented by its science manager, Dr. Hanna L¨¹hrs.

It is recommended to already contact the MAPEX science manager in the planning stage of the proposal in order to discuss the suitability of the project and the availability of funding.

A commission appointed by the MAPEX executive board will decide whether to fund the proposal or not, depending on the scientific qualification of the candidates, the quality of the proposed project and availability of funding. The result of the proposal assessment and the amount of granted funds will be communicated to the applicants within one month from the proposal receipt.


Please create a single PDF document comprising the following documents:

  1.  Text of the proposal not exceeding three A4 pages, including a detailed list of the expected project costs. Describe how the interdisciplinary project will benefit the participating groups and the entire MAPEX community.
  2. A signed declaration that
    a) The candidates agree to adhere to the standard rules of good scientific practice, as set for instance by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
    b) In case of publication of results obtained during the project, funding through the MAPEX research grant will be explicitly acknowledged.

Only the applications which comply with the formal rules will be considered for funding.

Complete applications need to be submitted per email to:

Dr. Hanna L¨¹hrs


Proposals can be submitted at any time.


    Hanna L¨¹hrs
    IW3, Room 2230
    Phone: +49-421-218-64580
    E-Mail: MAPEX

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