Bremen Kids' University

The next Bremen Kids' University will take place from April 01-10, 2025.
Discover and understand the world: Science and research are really exciting, and children will be able to experience this first-hand at the Bremen Kids' University. In the lectures and workshops on offer, researchers from the University of Bremen explain in a vivid way what they find so exciting about their subject area.
Lectures: From 01-03.04.2025, in the morning
Here, researchers report on an exciting scientific topic. Entire class groups from 3rd to 6th grade are invited to the lectures. Registration takes place via the respective teacher.
Workshops: From 08-10.04.2025, mornings and afternoons
Here, scientists research & experiment together with the children in the rooms/laboratories at the University of Bremen and the surrounding institutes. The children are registered individually by their parents when purchasing a ticket for the workshop via the website.
The registration period for the Kids' University 2025 is set to start on February 3, 2025.
University & School Transfer Office
Administrative Unit 16, UniTransfer
SFG 3270
Isabell Harder
phone: 0421 218 57134
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It's still too long until the next Kids' University?
Do you want to learn something with the Kids' University from home?
Then watch our lectures online! Have fun!