Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Timm
Project Responsibility
Room: | 41 040 |
Phone: | +49(0)421 218-63791 |
E-Mail: | timmprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Die Anwendung mathematisch-statistischer bzw. biometrischer Methoden bei der Abw?gung von Chancen und Risiken von Therapien in der Medizin stehen seit vielen Jahren im Zentrum der Forschungst?tigkeit von Prof. Jürgen Timm. Bereits vor der Gründung des Kompetenzzentrums war er als planender und auswertender Biometriker in zahlreichen klinischen Studien und biomedizinischen Projekten t?tig. Nach der Gründung des KKSB intensivierte er diese Forschungsrichtung. Die medizinischen Themenfelder seiner T?tigkeit (in den letzten 125 Studien) umfassen ein breites Spektrum aus Schmerztherapie, Arbeitsmedizin, Augenheilkunde, Chirurgie, Gyn?kologie, Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, Infektiologie, Intensivmedizin, Innere Medizin, Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Labormedizin, Mikrobiologie, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Onkologie, Orthop?die, Pfegewissenschaften, Psychiatrie, Radiologie, bildgebende Verfahren, Nuklearmedizin und Urologie. Zusammen mit Frau Prof. Pigeot hat er 2006 den Masterstudiengang ?Medical Biometry/Biostatistics“ an der Universit?t Bremen gegründet und seitdem darin gelehrt.
Study and qualification
1962 - 1966 | Studies in mathematics, physics, pedagogy, philosophy - University of Hamburg |
1966 | State examination for the higher teaching profession at grammar schools |
1966 - 1967 | Promotional grant "Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes" |
1967 | Promotion Dr. rer. nat. |
1969 | Habilitation for mathematics |
1987 | Dr. hc. Dickinson College Carlisle, Pens. USA |
Scientific career
1967 – 1969 | Scientific assistant at the Mathematical Seminar, University of Hamburg |
1969 – 1971 | Senior Scientist at the Mathematical Seminar, University of Hamburg |
1970 – 1980 | Member and responsible statistician of the working group "Carcinogenicity of humans by air pollution", established by the Federal Minister of the Interior at the German Cancer Research Center |
since 1971 | Professor University of Bremen |
1975 - 1978 | Dean of mathematical department and member of the academic senate University of Bremen |
1979 – 1981 | Vice Principal for structure and research, University of Bremen |
1980 – 2002 | Deputy chairman and founding member of the Association for Scientific Research in Bremen accountable for non-university scientific institutes in Bremen, for example the Bremen Institute for Prevention Research and Social Medicine (BIPS, now the Fraunhofer Institute) |
1981 - 2002 | Member of the board of Alfred Wegener Institute for polar and marine research |
1982 – 2002 | Rector of the University of Bremen, Chairman of the Regional Rector’s Conference Bremen, Member of the Senate of the University Rector's Conference in Germany, Member of the “Landeskuratorium des Stifterverbands”, Member of the boards of trustees and scientific boards of various scientific associations and institutes. |
1986 – 1987 | Temporal WHO Adviser during the development of the "Air Quality Guidelines for Europe" (WHO Regional Publications European Series 23 1987) |
1986 – 1992 | Member and responsible biometrician in the LAI commission "Cancer risk due to air pollution - assessment criteria for carcinogenic air pollutants" of the Environment Ministers' Conference, Germany |
1989 – 1999 | Member of the structure committee of the Rector’s Conference Germany |
1991 – 1996 | Biometrician of the working group "Cancer-generating environmental influences" in the overall cancer prevention program, Department of Prevention (interministerial co-operation and coordination program) |
1996 – 2000 | Member of the Supervisory Board of HIS GmbH (University Information System, Germany) and Deputy Chairman |
1997 – 2002 | Initiator and member of the Board of Trustees Institute for Advanced Studies (Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst) |
1999 – 2005 | Initiator and Managing Director of Stiftung UNIVERSUM GmbH, Science Center Bremen |
since 2000 | Scientific Advisory Board of the Cancer Registry Bremen |
2000 – 2002 | Chairman of the Supervisory Board of HIS-GmbH (University Information System, Germany) |
since 2002 | Honorary Chairman of the Association of North German Universities (Hamburg, Kiel, Lübeck, Oldenburg, Rostock, Greifswald, Bremen) |
since 2002 | Chairman Institute for Environmental Risk Research at the University of Bremen |
2002 – 2006 | Chairman of the Advisory Board Innovation Agency Bremen |
2002 – 2007 | Representative and Technology commissioner of the Senate (Federal State of Bremen) |
2002 – 2007 | Founder and member of the Board of the International University of Bremen (today Jacobs University) |
2004 – 2006 | Chairman of the University Council of the University of Hamburg |
2001 – 2010 | Founder and Head of Competence Center for Clinical Trials Bremen (KKSB) |
2009 – 2013 | Sponsor representative with full responsibility for the clinical study NeSSy (BMBF) |
since 2010 | Chairman of Institute of Statistics, FB3, University of Bremen |
since 2015 | Project Manager for Clinical Studies of Competence Center for Clinical Trials Bremen (KKSB) |