Ezgi Beki K?rpe

Short Bio
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Social and Economic Psychology Group since April 2023. I have a Master's degree (M.A. 2022) in Preschool Education and a Bachelor's degree (BA. 2018) in Preschool Teacher Education from Bursa Uluda? University (Turkey).
Ezgi Beki K?rpe
Cognium Building, R.0450
Hochschulring 18
28359 Bremen
Office hours: by arrangement
ezgibekikorpe (at) uni-bremen.de
phone: +49-421-218-68778
Work Focus
My primary research area is moral development in early childhood. During my master's degree, I studied the effect of culture on child upbringing and development. In my undergraduate education, I focussed on environmental awareness in the preschool period. Apart from these subjects, I am interested in early childhood literature and music education. In my current study, I am examining utilitarianism in early childhood through the two-dimensional model of utilitarian psychology.
Key Publications
- Beki K?rpe, E., Ba?al, H. A. (2023, December 13-15). ?? ku?ak annelerin do?um süreci boyunca ?ocuk geli?imi ve yeti?tirilmesine y?nelik gelenk, g?renek ve inan?lar?n?n incelenmesi [Examination of traditions, customs and beliefs of three generations of mothers regarding child development and child-rearing during the birth process] [Conference presentation abstract]. Eleventh international Mardin Artuklu scientific researchers conference, Mardin, Türkiye.
- Beki, E. (2020). ?lk kad?n ?air Adile Sultan [First woman poet Adile Sultan], ?lk kad?n ressam Ay?e Celile Han?m [First woman painter Ay?e Celile Han?m], Canan Da?deviren. H. A. Ba?al & P. Ba??eli Kahraman (Eds.), Ge?mi?ten Günümüze ?lkemizde ?z B?rakan Kad?nlar [Women Who Left Their Mark on Our Country from Past to Present] (pp. 1-3, 9-11, 66-71). Bursa (Türkiye): Bursa Uluda? ?niversitesi Kad?n ve Aile ?al??malar? Uygulama ve Ara?t?rma Merkezi [Bursa Uluda? University Women and Family Studies Application and Research Centre].