Juan Carlos Marulanda-Hernandez

Juan Carlos Marulanda-Hernandez

Short Bio

I graduated from the PhD program Behavior and Cognition (BeCog) at the University of G?ttingen in August 2022. Since May 2023, I have been working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Social and Economic Psychology Group. From 2010 until 2016, I worked as a lecturer at different universities in Bogotá, Colombia, my home country. I received a Magister's degree in Psychology in 2014 and a Degree in Psychology in 2008 from the National University of Colombia.


Dr. Juan Carlos Marulanda-Hernandez

Cognium Building, R.0480
Hochschulring 18
28359 Bremen

Office hours: by arrangement

jmarulan (at) uni-bremen.de
phone: +49-421-218-68522



Work Focus

I have primarily approached phenomena such as war, political violence, and intergroup conflicts from an interdisciplinary perspective that combines different methodological approaches from psychology, philosophy, and other social sciences. My current research extends to psychological factors accounting for moral status attribution and phenomena of moral exclusion, such as dehumanization and speciesism.

Key Publications

  • Marulanda Hernández, J. C., & Yá?ez Canal, J. (2018). Concepción en torno a las causas justas de la declaración de guerra. Tesis Psicológica, 13(1), 1–23. doi:10.37511/tesis.v13n1a2
  • Marulanda Hernández, J. C., & Ya?ez Canal, J. (2017). Principios morales de la guerra: Actitudes frente a la transgresión. Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología, 10(1), 1–8. doi: 10.33881/2027-1786.rip.10101
  • Marulanda Hernández, J. C. & Yá?ez-Canal, J. (2015) Moralidad y Justicia en la Guerra: reflexiones para un abordaje desde la psicología moral. In Yá?ez-Canal, J.,  Chaparro, J. & Segovia, L. (Eds) Cognición, moral y desarrollo psicológico. Tomo IV, Justicia, Guerra y Mundo Social. Uniminuto, Bogotá, Colombia.