Development process

Milesstones in protecting the Environment

1995 Proposals for an ecologically more efficient University of Bremen from the AStA of the University of Bremen to the university management
  •  In 1995, the General Student Committee (AStA) of the University of Bremen developed a wide-ranging list of demands for the improvement of environmental issues at the University of Bremen.

1996 Foundation of the Environmental Committee
  • In order to sustainably improve environmental protection at the University of Bremen and to meet the demands of the students, the Environmental Committee of the University of Bremen was founded in 1996. It is made up of representatives of students, teachers and staff from the various departments and divisions of the University of Bremen.
1996-1999 Participation in Bremen's Agenda 21 process (Round Table)
  • Between 1996 and 1999, the University took part in the Round Table on the Agenda 21 process in Bremen in order to network with other institutions in the state of Bremen.
1997 Feasibility Study UMS  Prof. Haasis and Prof. Wittkowski
  • On behalf of the chancellor, Prof. Haasis and Prof. Wittkowski performed a feasibility study analyzing how an environmental management system could be established at the University of Bremen.
1997  First Environmental Report
  •  In 1997, the first environmental report of the University of Bremen was published, providing a comprehensive view of the ecological development of the university. With the publication of the report, the university documented its successes in acting in an environmentally responsible manner throughout the university.
1998  Waste and Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility Opened
  •  The Waste and Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility, established in 1998, was certified as a waste management facility in March 2002.
2000 Preparation of a research proposal
  • In order to continue to improve environmental protection at the University of Bremen, the introduction of a certified environmental management system according to EMAS was promoted. In 2000, the research proposal "Environmental Management at Public Institutions: Analysis of motivation and cooperation problems, development of recommendations for action and exemplary implementation in a network" was developed.
2000 Second Environmental Report
  • In 2000 the second environmental report of the University of Bremen was published.
2001 Start of the project: "Environmental management at public institutions".
  • Supported by the external consulting of Dr. Harald Gilch (HIS Hochschul Informations System GmbH) the University of Bremen started the project "Environmental Management at Public Institutions".
January 2004 Validation - Dr. Wruk
  • After the successful implementation of the project "Environmental Management at Public Institutions"  the environmental management system of the University of Bremen was evaluated for the first time.
February 2005 1st monitoring audit
  • In February 2005, the University conducted the 1st surveillance audit. The environmental auditors of the University of Bremen regularly check the effectiveness of the environmental management system and other environmentally relevant aspects of the University of Bremen.
May 2005 1st Environment Day at the University of Bremen
  • In May 2005, the University of Bremen held its first University Environment Day. Within the framework of the Uni-Umwelttag, workshops, a convention and a panel discussion were organized for students, faculty and staff. The panel discussion, in which, among others, the top Green politician Hans-Christian Str?bele took part, was held under the motto "Globalization ecologically".
2005 Completion of the renovation of the SuUB
  •  In 2005, the comprehensive renovation of the State and University Library was successfully completed. The main goal of the renovation concept was to renovate the SuUB according to ecological aspects.
November 2005 Bremen University Sustainability Report published
  • In November 2005, the University of Bremen was the first university in the German-speaking world to publish a comprehensive sustainability report. The complete report is available HERE.
January 2006 "Education for Sustainable Development"
  • In January 2006, the University of Bremen and its project "Sustainability Report of the University of Bremen" received an award from UNESCO and was officially declared a Decade Project.
February 2006 2nd monitoring audit
  • In February 2006 the environmental auditors carried out the 2nd monitoring audit at the University of Bremen.
May 2006 University Environment Days
  • The 2006 University Environment Days were dedicated to "10 years of EMAS". On May 31, 2006, the University of Bremen and the Environmental Verification Committee of the Federal Ministry of the Environment held a symposium on this topic. On May 30, 2006, the Environmental Verification Committee held a public meeting on the premises of the University of Bremen.

August 2006 "Cycle to Work" Award
  •  In August 2006, the University achieved a top place in the ADFC / AOK competition "Fahrradaktiver Betrieb" with its project "Mit dem Rad zur Arbeit" ("Cycling to Work"). The goal of the project is to encourage students, faculty and staff to do without their cars and to cycle to work.
May 2007  Third University Environment Day
  • On July 12, 2007, the University of Bremen held its third University Environment Day. This year the focus of the Uni-Umwelttag was on climate change. Jens Eckhoff (German Offshore Foundation), Dr. Reinhard Loske (Senator for Building and Environment) and Dieter Marx (German Atomic Forum) discussed the topic "Climate Change: Energy Policy in the 21st Century" under the moderation of Prof.Dr. Müller Christ in the refectory of the University of Bremen.


More and more public institutions want to establish a certifiable environmental management system. Illustrative examples of the introduction process can be found in our Guide.  For further information on setting up an environmental management system, please also contact Dr. Doris S?vegjarto.

See also:
The current environmental law:
Updated by: N.N.