Luigina Ciolfi, Trevor Hogan, Tanja D?ring, Tom Jenkins, Jelle van Dijk, Samuel Huron, Zhuying Li, David Coyle, Beat Signer:
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, TEI 2024, Cork, Ireland, February 11-14, 2024. ACM 2024
Michael Bonfert, Thomas Muender, Ryan P. McMahan, Frank Steinicke, Doug A. Bowman, Rainer Malaka, Tanja D?ring:
The Interaction Fidelity Model: A Taxonomy to Distinguish the Aspects of Fidelity in Virtual Reality. CoRR abs/2402.16665 (2024)
Beat Rossmy, Nada Terzimehic, Tanja D?ring, Daniel Buschek, Alexander Wiethoff: Point of no Undo: Irreversible Interactions as a Design Strategy. CHI 2023: 140:1-140:18
Anke Verena Reinschlüssel, Thomas Muender, Roland Fischer, Valentin Kraft, Verena Nicole Uslar, Dirk Weyhe, Andrea Schenk, Gabriel Zachmann, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka: Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible OR - Using VR, AR and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice. CHI Extended Abstracts 2023: 477:1-477:5
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Estela Vallejo-Vargas, Steffen Rohde, Thomas Jan?en, David Reid, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Anke Reinschluessel, Tanja D?ring, and Rainer Malaka: The Role of Feedback When Learning with a Digital Artifact: A Theory Networking Case on Multimodal Algebra Learning. In: Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics education 16. (peer-reviewed)
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Tanja D?ring, Thomas Jan?en, David Reid. (2023). Pragmatic approach to theorizing interdisciplinary design research: Multimodal interactive algebra learning systems with tangible user interfaces. In Birgit Pepin, Ghislaine Gueudet and Jeff Choppin (Eds.), Handbook of digital (curriculum) resources in mathematics education, Springer.
Tanja D?ring, Susanne Boll, Ashley Colley, Augusto Esteves, Jo?o Guerreiro: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, MUM 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, November 27-30, 2022. ACM 2022.
Michael Bonfert, Anke V. Reinschluessel, Susanne Putze, Yenchin Lai, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Rainer Malaka, Tanja D?ring: Seeing the faces is so important - Experiences from online team meetings on commercial virtual reality platforms. Frontiers Virtual Real. 3 (2022)
Bastian D?nekas, Tanja D?ring, Tjorven Schnack, Georg Volkmar, Robert Porzel, Rainer Malaka: Insights from two Studies on AI-based Learning in Strength Training. NTSPORT@MobileHCI 2022
Max Mühlh?user, Christian Reuter, Bastian Pfleging, Thomas Kosch, Andrii Matviienko, Katrin Gerling, Sven Mayer, Wilko Heuten, Tanja D?ring, Florian Müller, Martin Schmitz: Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband. In: Mühlh?user, M., Reuter, C., Pfleging, B., Kosch, T., Matviienko, A., Gerling, K., Mayer, S., Heuten, W., D?ring, T., Müller, F. & Schmitz, M. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, ACM 2022.
Linda Hirsch, Eleni Economidou, Irina Paraschivoiu, Tanja D?ring: Material meets the city: a materials experience perspective on urban interaction design. Interactions 29(1): 58-63, ACM 2022.
Thomas Muender, Michael Bonfert, Anke Verena Reinschlüssel, Rainer Malaka, Tanja D?ring: Haptic Fidelity Framework: Defining the Factors of Realistic Haptic Feedback for Virtual Reality. CHI 2022: 431:1-431:17, ACM 2022.
Thomas Muender, Anke Verena Reinschlüssel, Daniela Salzmann, Thomas Lück, Andrea Schenk, Dirk Weyhe, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka: Evaluating Soft Organ-Shaped Tangibles for Medical Virtual Reality. CHI Extended Abstracts 2022: 237:1-237:8, ACM 2022.
Ambreen Zaman, Forhad Uddin Ahmed, Abu Nayem, Mahfida Amjad, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka: Mapping Multimodel Scrolling Techniques for Foot-based Interaction Depending on the Cursor Position. ICCA 2022: 89-96, ACM 2022.
Rainer Malaka, Tanja D?ring, Thomas Fr?hlich, Thomas Muender, Georg Volkmar, Dirk Wenig, Nima Zargham: Using Natural User Interfaces for Previsualization. In: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies 8(26): e5 (2021)
Linda Hirsch, Eleni Economidou, Irina Paraschivoiu, Tanja D?ring, Andreas Butz: Material Meets the City: Exploring Novel and Advanced Materials for the Smart Urban Built Environment. TEI 2021: 66:1-66:5, ACM 2022.
Anke Reinschluessel, Thomas Muender, Tanja D?ring, Verena Uslar, Thomas Lück, Dirk Weyhe, Andrea Schenk, Rainer Malaka: A Study on the Size of Tangible Organ-Shaped Controllers for Exploring Medical Data in VR. Accepted for: Proceedings of CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM 2021
Timur Cetin, Verena Uslar, Hendrik Huscher, Michael Buscherm?hle, Andre Mühlenbrock, Gabriel Zachmann, A Fox, Peter Kohrs, Tanja D?ring, Nima Zargham, Rainer Malaka, Sune Montan, Dirk Weyhe: SmartOT – Smart Lighting in the Operating Theater. In: "Deutscher Chirurgen Kongress 2021".
Anke Reinschluessel, Thomas Muender, Daniela Salzmann, Tanja D?ring, Verena Uslar, Rainer Malaka: Application of a VR Surgical Planning Tool on Two Liver Surgery Cases. In: "Deutscher Chirurgen Kongress 2021".
Florian Daiber, Donald Degraen, Andre Zenner, Tanja D?ring, Frank Steinicke, Oscar Javier Ariza Nunez, Adalberto L. Simeone: Everyday Proxies for Virtual Reality. Accepted for: Proceedings of CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM 2021.
Nima Zargham, Michael Bonfert, Robert Porzel, Rainer Malaka, Tanja D?ring. 2021. Multi-Agent Voice Assistants: An Investigation of User Experience. In 20th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2021). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 98–107, ACM 2021.
Marc Herrlich, Anke V. Reinschluessel, Markus Willems, Nils Langhorst, David Black, Tanja D?ring, Christian Rieder, Ron Kikinis, Rainer Malaka: Put That Needle There: Customized Flexible On-Body Thin-Film Displays for Medical Navigation. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 1(3): 16:1-16:17, ACM 2020.
Verena Fuchsberger, Janne Mascha Beuthel, Dorothé Smit, Philippe Bentegeac, Manfred Tscheligi, Marije Nouwen, Bieke Zaman, Tanja D?ring: Designing for Tangible (Un-)Connectedness. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume) 2020: 409-412, ACM 2020.
Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Georg Volkmar, Maximilian Splieth?ver, Stefan Finke, Marc Herrlich, Tanja D?ring, Jan David Smeddinck, Rainer Malaka: Playful User-Generated Treatment: A Novel Game Design Approach for VR Exposure Therapy. CHI PLAY 2020: 32-45, ACM 2020.
Tanja D?ring, Michael Droste, Dietrich Kammer, Beat Rossmy, Sylvia Rothe, Philip Sch?fer, Raphael Wimmer: 13. Workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion. Mensch & Computer Workshopband 2020.
Anke V. Reinschluessel, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka: Improving User Interfaces for Physicians through New Materials, Tangible Interaction, and Tactile Feedback. ETIS 2020
Tanja D?ring, Stefan Lutherdt, Jessica Fritz: Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle in der digitalen Fabrikhalle 2030 : DKE : Teil 5: "Umgang mit Unterschieden zwischen Kulturen, Milieus, Generationen, Bildungsniveaus, ?berforderungsschwellen". - In: DIN-Mitteilungen + Elektronorm. - Berlin : Beuth, ISSN 0722-2912, Bd. 99 (2020), 8, S. 35-38
Thomas Lück, Hans Nopper, Olav Schendel, Dirk Weyhe, Daniela Salzmann, Verena Uslar, Anke V Reinschluessel, Tanja D?ring, Thomas Muender, Rainer Malaka, Andrea Schenk, Christian Schumann: Exploring realistic haptics for 3D-printed organ phantoms in surgery training in VR and AR. In: Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, 2020.
Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Tanja D?ring, Susanne Putze, Thomas Fr?hlich, Timo Stabbert, Rainer Malaka: Demonstrating VRBox: A Virtual Reality Augmented Sandbox. CHI Extended Abstracts 2019, ACM 2019.
Thomas Muender, Anke V. Reinschluessel, Sean Drewes, Dirk Wenig, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka: Does It Feel Real?: Using Tangibles with Different Fidelities to Build and Explore Scenes in Virtual Reality. In: Proceedings of CHI 2019, ACM 2019.
Jessica Fritz, Sebastian Hallensleben, Peter Gabriel, Tanja D?ring, Karl-Heinz Hageni, Thomas Herrmann, Stephan Lutherdt, Verena Nitsch, Katrin Schilling, Matthias Vette-Steinkamp: Die Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle in der Fabrikhalle 2030. Mensch & Computer Workshopband 2019
Thomas Muender, Anke V. Reinschlüssel, Nima Zargham, Tanja D?ring, Dirk Wenig, Rainer Malaka, Roland Fischer, Gabriel Zachmann, Christian Schumann, Valentin Kraft, Andrea Schenk, Verena N. Uslar, Dirk Weyhe, Hans Nopper, Thomas Lück: Application Scenarios for 3D-Printed Organ Models for Collaboration in VR & AR. Mensch & Computer Workshopband 2019
Benjamin Walther-Franks, Tanja D?ring, Meltem Yilmaz, Rainer Malaka: Embodiment or Manipulation?: Understanding Users' Strategies for Free-Hand Character Control. In: Proceedings of Mensch & Computer 2019.
Florian Alt, Andreas Bulling, Tanja D?ring: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019, Hamburg, Germany, September 8-11, 2019. GI / ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-7198-8.
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Thomas Jan?en, Stefan Bollen, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka, Anke Reinschlüssel: View on Equations - Sequential versus Relational. in: Technology and Psychology for Mathematics Education, 2019.
Anke Reinschluessel, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Tanja D?ring, Angelie Kraft, Maike Braukmüller, Thomas Jan?en, David Reid, Estela Valleko, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Rainer Malaka. Multimodal Algebra Learning: From Math Manipulatives to Tangible User Interfaces. In: I-COM. Journal of Interactive Media. Vol. 17, Iss. 3 Berlin, Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2018.
Thomas Fr?hlich, Dimitry Alexandrovsky, Timo Stabbert, Tanja D?ring, and Rainer Malaka. 2018. VRBox: A Virtual Reality Augmented Sandbox for Immersive Playfulness, Creativity and Exploration. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. ACM. (Honorable Mention)
Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Tanja D?ring, Stefan Bollen, Anke Reinschlüssel, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Rainer Malaka: Exploring Interactive Systems for Algebra Learning in School. In:New Research Perspectives on Game Design and Development Education. Workshop at CHIPlay 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
Anke V. Reinschluessel, Marc Herrlich, Tanja D?ring, Mark Vangel, Clare Tempany, Rainer Malaka, Junichi Tokuda: Insert Needle Here! A Custom Display for Optimized Biopsy Needle Placement. In: Proceedings of CHI 2018, ACM 2018.
Ambreen Zaman, Lars Reisig, Anke V. Reinschluessel, Huseyin Bektas, Dirk Weyhe, Marc Herrlich, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka. An Interactive Shoe for Surgeons: Hand-Free Interaction with Medical 2D Data. In: Proceedings of CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM 2018.
Anke V. Reinschluessel, Sarah Christin Cebulla, Marc Herrlich, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka: Vibro-Band – Supporting Needle Placement for Physicians with Vibrations. In: Proceedings of CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM 2018.
Anke V. Reinschluessel, Tanja D?ring, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Danny Thieme, Rainer Malaka. Beyond Math Manipulatives: Smart Tangible Objects for Algebra Learning. In: SmartObjects18: 6th Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects, CHI 2018.
Tanja D?ring, Robert Porzel, Rainer Malaka: Human-Computer Interaction with Novel and Advanced Materials. in: Stefan Bosse, Dirk Lehmhus, Walter Lang und Matthias Busse (Eds.): Material-Integrated Intelligent Systems: Technologies and Applications. Wiley, 2018.
Marc Herrlich, Manuel Kramer, Anke Reinschlüssel, David Black, Tanja D?ring, Rainer Malaka. Printed Wearable Touch Sensors for Intra-Operative Interaction. In: CURAC 2007.
Tanja D?ring, Marius Brade, Thomas Fr?hlich, Michaela Honauer, Pascal Knierim, Anke Reinschlüssel: 10. Workshop "Be-greifbare Interaktion". In: Mensch und Computer 2017 Workshopband, Regensburg 2017.
Florian Schr?der, Tanja D?ring, Henrik Rie?, Rainer Malaka, Peter Klein. Lebendige Daten - Ambient Shape-Changing Interface als Datenrepr?sentation in Unternehmen. In: Mensch und Computer 2017 UP - Praktiker Track, Regensburg 2017.
Thomas Jan?en, Tanja D?ring. Boundary Objects in Interdisciplinary Research on Multimodal Algebra Learning. In: 13th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching – ICTMT 13, Lyon (France), 2017
Tanja D?ring: Leveraging Curiosity by Using Unconventional Materials for Interaction. In: Designing for Curiosity. Workshop at CHI 2017, Denver, 2017.
Thomas Jan?en, David Reid, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Anke Reinschlüssel, Tanja D?ring, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Rainer Malaka and Estela Vallejo: Using tangible technology to multimodally support algebra learning: The MAL project. In: Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME10), Dublin 2017.
Tanja D?ring. A Materials Perspective on Human-Computer Interaction. Case Studies on Tangible, Gestural, and Ephemeral User Interfaces. PhD Dissertation. University of Bremen, Germany, 2016.
Tanja D?ring. Reflections on Plants as Interaction Material. In: NatureCHI - Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature. Workshop at CHI'16, San Jose.
Tanja D?ring. The Interaction Material Profile: Understanding and Inspiring How Physical Materials Shape Interaction. In: CHI Ext. Abstracts 2016, ACM.
Tanja D?ring. Multisensory Interaction From a Material Perspective. In: Second Workshop on Full-Body and Multisensory Experience at TEI 2016.
Philipp Panhey, Tanja D?ring, Stefan Schneegass, Dirk Wenig, Florian Alt: What People Really Remember: Understanding Cognitive Effects When Interacting with Large Displays. ITS 2015. ACM, 103-106.
Tanja D?ring, Annika Kaltenhauser, Rainer Malaka: Using Tag Clouds to Explore Text Documents on Small Mobile Devices. In: Mensch & Computer 2015. De Gryuter, 383-386.
Tanja D?ring, Franziska Lorz, Rainer Malaka: Assessing the Emotional Experience of Soap Bubbles as Input Material for Interactive Games. In: Mensch & Computer Workshopband 2015. De Gryuter, 559-566.
Kurd Alsleben, Tanja D?ring, Antje Eske, Heiko Idensen, Tilo Kremer: Vom Hundertsten in Tausendste verlinken, ?Getting Lost in HyperSpace“. In: Reader zur Hyperkult XXV, Lüneburg 2015.
Stefan Schneegass, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Tanja D?ring, David Schmid, Albrecht Schmidt: NatCut: an interactive tangible editor for physical object fabrication. In: CHI Extended Abstracts 2014. ACM, 1441-1446
Tanja D?ring: The Return of the Physical: Tangible Trends in Human-Computer Interaction. In: Günther Friesinger, Jana Herwig (Hrsg.): The Art of Reverse Engineering: Open - Dissect - Rebuild, Transcript, 2014.
Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester, Albrecht Schmidt, Rainer Malaka: Exploring Mobile Representations of Folksonomies to Support the Example Context of a Community Gardening Project. In: Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2013 (Munic, Germany, August 27th-30th) ACM 2013.
Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester, Albrecht Schmidt: Ephemeral User Interfaces: Exploring the Aesthetics of Interface Components that Do Not Last. In: ACM Interactions Juli/August 2013, ACM, 2013
Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester, Albrecht Schmidt. Towards a Taxonomy of Interaction Techniques for Ephemeral User Interfaces. CHI'13 Workshop "Displays take new Shape: An Agenda for Future Interactive Surfaces" (Paris, France, April 28th, 2013).
Axel Sylvester, Tanja D?ring: Urban Development with FabLabs. In: Julia Walter-Herrmann, Corinne Büching (Hrsg.): FabLab - Of Machines, Makers, and Inventors, Transcript, 2013.
Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester, Albrecht Schmidt: A Design Space for Ephemeral User Interfaces. in: Proceedings of TEI 2013 (Barcelona, Spain,10.-13. Feb 2013), ACM 2013.
Bastian Pfleging, Tanja D?ring, Ignacio Alvarez, Matthias Kranz, Garrett Weinberg, Jennifer Healey: AutoNUI: The Second Workshop on Automotive Natural User Interfaces. In: 4th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Vehicular Applications. ACM, 2012.
Bernard Robben, Tanja D?ring, Roman Lissermann, Ernst-Eckart Schulze, Daniel Wessolek: Be-greifbare Interaktion. In: Mensch & Computer 2012 Workshopband, 117-119, 2012.
Bastian Pfleging, Dagmar Kern, Tanja D?ring, Albrecht Schmidt: Reducing Non-Primary Task Distraction in Cars through Multi-Modal Interaction. In: it - Information Technology. Jg. 54 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 179-187.
Tanja D?ring: Material Selection in Tangible Interaction Design - Connecting Theory and Practice. In: Doctoral Consortium DIS 2012, 2012.
Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester, Albrecht Schmidt: Exploring Material-Centered Design Concepts for Tangible Interaction. In: CHI Extended Abstracts 2012, ACM, 2012.
Tanja D?ring, Hidir Aras, Benjamin Walther-Franks, Marc Herrlich, Patrick Rodacker, Alena Penner, Rainer Malaka: Using Gestural Interaction on Mobile Phones for Navigating 3D Information Spaces on Interactive Walls. In: The 3rd Dimension of CHI (3DCHI): Touching and Designing 3D User Interfaces. Workshop at CHI 2012, 2012.
Tanja D?ring: What HCI Can Learn From Material Iconography. In: From Materials to Materiality: Connecting Practice and Theory in HCI. Workshop at CHI 2012, 2012.
Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester, Albrecht Schmidt: Be-greifen ?beyond the Surface“ – Eine Materialperspektive auf Tangible User Interfaces. In: Bernard Robben, Heidi Schelhowe (Hrsg.): Be-greifbare Interaktionen - Der allgegenw?rtige Computer: Touchscreens, Wearables, Tangibles und Ubiquitous Computing. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2012.
Bastian Pfleging, Albrecht Schmidt, Tanja D?ring, Martin Knobel: AutoNUI: A Workshop on Automotive Natural User Interfaces. In: 3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Vehicular Applications. ACM, 2011.
Bastian Pfleging, Tanja D?ring, Michael Kienast, Albrecht Schmidt: SpeeT: A Multimodal Interaction Style Combining Speech and Touch Interaction in Automotive Environments. In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Vehicular Applications, 2011.
Tanja D?ring: Material-Centered Design of Tangible User Interfaces. In: Reflexionen und Visionen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Reihe 22 der Fortschritt-Berichte des VDI Verlags, 2011, S. 50-51. Axel Sylvester, Steffi Beckhaus, Tanja D?ring, Thorstel Juckel, Roland Schr?der-Kroll: Sozialit?tssinn und Scheuklappen im Social Web - Erfahrungen aus einer SoundVision Konversation. In: Alsleben K., Eske A. (Hrsg.): felix aestheticus (edition kuecocokue). 2011, S. 65-68.
Tanja D?ring: Drei Gedanken zu HCI | MMK. In: Alsleben K., Eske A. (Hrsg.): felix aestheticus, edition kuecocokue. 2011.
Albrecht Schmidt, Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester: Changing How We Make and Deliver Smart Devices: When Can I Print Out My New Phone? In: IEEE Pervasive Computing10(4), 6-9, 2011.
Tess Speelpenning, Alissa Antle, Tanja D?ring, Elise van den Hoven: Exploring How Tangible Tools Enable Collaboration in a Multi-Touch Tabletop Game. In: Interact 2011. Springer, Lissabon (Portugal) 2011.
Tanja D?ring, Dagmar Kern, Paul Marshall, Max Pfeiffer, Johannes Sch?ning, Volker Gruhn, Albrecht Schmidt: Gestural Interaction on the Steering Wheel - Reducing the Visual Demand. In: Proceedings of CHI 2011. ACM, Vancouver (Canada) 2011, S. 483-492.
Tanja D?ring: Material-Centered Design and Evaluation of Tangible User Interfaces. In: Proceedings of TEI 2011 (GSC). Funchal, Portugal 2011, S. 437-438.
Tanja D?ring, Axel Sylvester, Albrecht Schmidt: Das "Soap Bubble Interface" - eine ephemere Benutzungsschnittstelle. In: Konferenzband Mensch und Computer 2010. Oldenbourg, 2010.
Tanja D?ring, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Albrecht Schmidt: Exploring Gesture-Based Interaction Techniques in Multi-Display Environments with Mobile Phones and a Multi-Touch Table. In: PPD10: Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces (in conjunction with AVI 2010). Rom, Italien 2010, S. 419.
Tanja D?ring, Bastian Pfleging, Christian Kray, Albrecht Schmidt: Design by Physical Composition for Complex Tangible User Interfaces. In: CHI '10 Extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems. ACM, Atlanta, GA (USA) 2010, S. 3541-3546.
Max Pfeiffer, Dagmar Kern, Johannes Sch?ning, Tanja D?ring, Antonio Krüger, Albrecht Schmidt: A Multi-Touch Enabled Steering Wheel – Exploring the Design Space. In: CHI '10 Extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems. ACM, Atlanta, GA (USA) 2010, S. 483-492.
Axel Sylvester, Tanja D?ring, Albrecht Schmidt: Liquids, Smoke, and Soap Bubbles: Reflections on Materials for Ephemeral User Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the Fourth international Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied interaction (TEI '10). ACM, New York, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 2010, S. 269-270.
Tanja D?ring, Antonio Krüger, Albrecht Schmidt, Johannes Sch?ning: Tangible, Embedded, and Reality-Based Interaction. In: it - Information Technology , Jg. 51 (2009) Nr. 6, S. 319-324.
Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Tanja D?ring, Pouyan Parvahan, Bernd Ahrens, Albrecht Schmidt: Poker Surface: Combining a Multi-Touch Table and Mobile Phones in Interactive Card Games. In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th international Conference on Human-Computer interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI'09). Bonn, Germany 2009.
Tanja D?ring, Steffi Beckhaus, Albrecht Schmidt: Towards a Sensible Integration of Paper-Based Tangible User Interfaces into Creative Work Processes. CHI '09 Extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. ACM Press, 2009, S. 4627-4732.
Elba Valderrama Bahamóndez, Tanja D?ring, Albrecht Schmidt: Mobile Phone and Learning in Latin America. In: International Conference on Mobile Learning 2009. IADIS, Barcelona, Spain 2009.
Tanja D?ring, Paul Holleis, Albrecht Schmidt: Playful, Shareable and Creative - Three Examples for New Directions in User Interface Design. In: Shareable Interfaces for Learning Workshop. Shareable Interfaces for Learning Workshop, University of Sussex, Brighton (UK) 2008.
Steffi Beckhaus, Roland Schr?der-Kroll, Tanja D?ring, Thorsten Juckel: SoundVision — Ton zu Bild und Bild zu Ton, eine vernetzte Konversation. In: Mensch & Computer 2008 (Hrsg.): Workshop Proceedings der Tagung "Mensch & Computer 2008". Oldenbourg, Lübeck 2008.
Tanja D?ring, Steffi Beckhaus: Bildmotive be-greifen - Die Verwendung von Bildkarten als Arbeitsmittel in kunsthistorischer Forschung und Lehre. In: Workshop Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2008. Oldenbourg, 2008.
Steffi Beckhaus, Tanja D?ring, Roland Schr?der-Kroll: SoundVision. In: Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske, edition kuecocokue (Hrsg.): Siebenundzwanzig Bremer Netzkunstaffairen. Bod, Hamburg 2008, S. 38-39.
Tanja D?ring: Gestaltung eines papierbasierten Tangible Interface zur Unterstützung kunsthistorischer Arbeitstechniken. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik (Hrsg.): Informatiktage 2008. Fachwissenschaftlicher Informatik-Kongress. GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2008, S. 119-122.
Tanja D?ring and Steffi Beckhaus: The Card Box at Hand: Exploring the Potentials of a Paper-Based Tangible Interface for Education and Research in Art History. In: Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007 (TEI'07). ACM, 2007, S. 87-90.
Tanja D?ring: Gestaltung eines papierbasierten Tangible User Interface zur Unterstützung kunsthistorischer Arbeitstechniken. Diplomarbeit. Universit?t Hamburg, 2007.