A Multimodal Handover Failure Detection Dataset and Baselines DOI
S. Thoduka, N. Hochgeschwender, J. Gall, and P. G. Pl?ger.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
b-it-bots: Winners of RoboCup@Work 2023 DOI
G. Chenchani, K. Patel, R. Selvaraju, S. Shinde, V. Kalagaturu, V. Mannava, D. Nair, I. Awaad, M. Wasil, S. Thoduka, S. Schneider, N. Hochgeschwender & P. G. Pl?ger
RoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVI (Springer LNAI)
Future Directions in Software Engineering for Autonomous Robots: An Agenda For Trustworthiness [Opinion] DOI
D. Brugali, A. Cavalcanti, N. Hochgeschwender, P. Pelliccione, L. Rebelo
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine
Embodied Runtime Monitoring of Learning-enabled Robot Perception Components DOI
D. Nair, S. Panchangam, M. A. Olivares-Mendez, N. Hochgeschwender
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
Composable and executable scenarios for simulation-based testing of mobile robots DOI
A. Ortega, S. Parra, S. Schneider, N. Hochgeschwender
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Trust in Robot Benchmarking and Benchmarking for Trustworthy Robots DOI
S.Thoduka, D. Nair, P. Caleb-Solly, M. Dragone, F. Cavallo, N. Hochgeschwender
Producing Artificial Intelligence Systems: The Roles of Benchmarking, Standardisation, and Certification (Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence)
A Thousand Worlds: Scenery Specification and Generation for Simulation-Based Testing of Mobile Robot Navigation Stacks DOI
S. Parra, A. Ortega, S. Schneider, and N. Hochgeschwender
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Analysing the Safety and Security of a UV-C Disinfection Robot DOI
D. Nurchalifah, S. Blumenthal, L. Iacono, and Nico Hochgeschwender
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Domain-specific languages for kinematic chains and their solver algorithms: lessons learned for composable models DOI
S. Schneider, N. Hochgeschwender, and H. Bruyninckx
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Automated Testing of Standard Conformance for Robots DOI
S. O. Sohail, S. Schneider, and N. Hochgeschwender
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE).
An Analysis of Behaviour-Driven Requirement Specification for Robotic Competitions DOI
M. Nguyen, N. Hochgeschwender, and S. Wrede
IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE).