Dr. David Rotermund

© Universit?t Bremen, Harald Rehling
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Hochschulring 18
University of Bremen
Postbox 330 440
28334 Bremen, Germany
Telefon: +49 421 218 62003
E-Mail: davrotprotect me ?!neuro.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fax: +49 421 218 62014
Raum: 2450
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2019) Open Hardware for neuro-prosthesis research: A study about a closed-loop multi-channel system for electrical surface stimulations and measurementsHardwareX |
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2019) Back-propagation learning in deep spike-by-spike networks frontiers in Computational Neuroscience |
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2019) Biologically plausible learning in a deep recurrent spiking networkBioRxiv |
Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2018) Attention selectively gates afferent signal transmission to area V4 The Journal of Neuroscience |
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2018) Massively parallel FPGA hardware for spike-by-spike networksBioRxiv |
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2017) Open hardware for neuro-prosthesis research: A study about a closed-loop multi-channel system for electrical surface stimulations and measurementsHardwareX |
Rotermund, D. and Pistor, J. and H?ffmann, J. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Gauck, D. and Stemmann, H. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Kreiter, A. and Schneider, M. and Paul, S. and Lang, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2017) Implications for a wireless, external device system to study electrocorticography sensors |
Rotermund, D. and Pistor, J. and H?ffmann, J. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Gauck, D. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Kreiter, A. and Schneider, M. and Paul, S. and Lang, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2016) Open Hardware: Towards a Fully-Wireless Sub-Cranial Neuro-Implant for Measuring Electrocorticography SignalsBioRxiv |
Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2015) Attention selectively gates afferent signal transmission to area V4 The Journal of Neuroscience |
T?men, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) Marginally subcritical dynamics explain enhanced stimulus discriminability under attention Front Syst Neurosci. 2014 Aug 25 |
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Taylor, K. and Smiyukha, Y. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) Toward high performance, weakly invasive Brain Computer Interfaces using selective visual attention The Journal of Neuroscience |
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Taylor, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2009) Attention Improves Object Representation in Visual Cortical Field Potentials Journal of Neuroscience |
Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Efficient computation based on stochastic spikes Neural Computation |
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2006) Towards on-line adaptation of neuro-prosthesis with neuronal evaluation signals Biological Cybernetics |
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) Binary tuning is optimal for neural rate coding with high temporal resolution Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15 |
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) Optimal neural rate coding leads to bimodal firing rate distributions Network: Comput. Neural Syst. |
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) A second order phase transition in neural rate coding: Binary encoding is optimal for rapid signal transmission Phys. Rev. Lett. |
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Optimal short-term population coding: When Fisher information fails Neural Computation |
Capparelli, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2018) Generative model of visual cortex with short- and long-range recurrent interactions |
Capparelli, F. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Generative models of visual cortex with short and long range horizontal interactions Bernstein Conference 2017 |
T?men, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) Marginally subcritical dynamics explain enhanced stimulus discriminability under attention Front Syst Neurosci. 2014 Aug 25 |
Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) The neuronal input channel switched by attention reflects routing by coherence |
Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) Selective synchronization explains transfer characteristics of attention-dependent routing for broad-band flicker signals to monkey area V4 Pion Ltd. |
Pistor, J. and H?ffmann, J. and Rotermund, D. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Gordillo-Gonzalez, V. and Mandon, S. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Kreiter, A. and Schneider, M. and Lang, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Paul, S. (2013) Development of a fully implantable recording system for ECoG signals Design, Automation & Test in Europe |
Rotermund, D. and Boll, D. and Gordillo-Gonzalez, V. and Gould, D. and Hertzberg, T. and H?ffmann, J. and Mandon, S. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Pistor, J. and Richter, M. and Schellenberg, T. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Widman, G. and Elger, C. and Lang, W. and Paul, S. and Schneider, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2013) A wireless and fully implantable recording system for ECoG signals |
T?men, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) Attention improves information processing |
T?men, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) Improved information processing under attention is explained by phase transitions in cortical dynamics |
Grothe, I. and Neitzel, S. D. and Rotermund, D. and Mandon, S. and Linke, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2012) Interareal gamma-band synchronization in primate ventral visual pathway underlies signal routing during selective attention Society for Neuroscience |
Rotermund, D. and Grothe, I. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Kreiter, A. (2011) Gating of visual processing by selective attention as observed in LFP data of monkey area V4 |
Rotermund, D. and Linke, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Grothe, I. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2011) Routing of information flow by selective visual attention in LFPs of monkey area V4 Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Bernstein Conference & Neurex Annual Meeting |
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2011) Compressed Sensing with Stochastic Spikes 20th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS (2011) |
Rotermund, D. and Schipper, M. and Fahle, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2011) High-performance classification of contour percepts from EEG recordings 20th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS |
Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Smiyukha, Y. and Neitzel, S. D. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Discriminability of direction of attention with and without stimuli based on V4 epidural recordings: A perspective for high-performance brain-computer interfacesSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2010 |
Neitzel, S. D. and Rotermund, D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Highly selective processing of temporal information from attended stimuli in macaque’s visual area V4 Front. Comput. Neurosci. |
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2009) Enhancing information processing by synchronizationBMC Neuroscience |
Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Taylor, K. and Smiyukha, Y. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Field potentials from macaque area V4 predict attention in single trials with 100\% Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience |
Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2009) Phase differences in local field potentials from macaque monkey area V4, predict attentional state in single trials with 99.6\% accuracy |
Schmiedt, J. T. and Rotermund, D. and Basar-Eroglu, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Decoding perceptual states of ambiguous motion from high gamma EEG Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN2009) |
Schmiedt, J. T. and Rotermund, D. and Basar-Eroglu, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) High EEG-gamma-power codes perceptual states of ambiguous motion 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009) |
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Taylor, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2007) Attention in monkey area V4 is modulated by task demandSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2007 |
Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Attention improves object representation in monkey area V4 Goettingen Neurobiology Conference |
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. (2006) Towards on-line adaptation of neuro-prostheses with neuronal evaluation signals |
Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2006) Attention improves object discriminability in monkey area V4CNS - Computational Neuroscience Conference |
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2005) Processing natural images with single spikes Proceedings of the 30th G?ttingen Neurobiology Conference |
Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2005) Attention improves object encoding in monkey area V4 |
Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2004) A novel framework for universal adaptive computation in a cortex model with stochastic spikes |
Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2003) Building representations spike by spike Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart |
Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. (2006) Attention improves object encoding in monkey area V4 |
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Optimal neural population coding and Fisher information Physik-Verlag GmbH |
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Optimal short-term population coding: When Fisher information fails Neural Computation |
Capparelli, F. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2016) Ongoing activity in a spiking network of visual cortical columns representing local optimal inference modules Bernstein Conference 2016 |
Tolstosheeva, E. and H?ffmann, J. and Pistor, J. and Rotermund, D. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Hertzberg, T. and Gordillo-Gonzalez, V. and Mandon, S. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Schneider, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. and Paul, S. and Lang, W. (2013) Towards a Wireless and fully-implantable ECoG System |
Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2009) Phase differences in local field potentials from macaque monkey area V4 predict attentional state in single trials with 99.6\% accuracy |
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. (2006) On-line adaptation of neuro-prostheses with neuronal evaluation signals Proceedings ESANN’06 |
Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2004) An algorithm for fast pattern recognition with random spikes 26th DAGM Symposium |
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. (2004) Computing spike-by-spike Edition: U.J. Ilg, H.H. Bülthoff and H.A. Mallot |
Rotermund, D. (2007) Extraction of information from the dynamical activities of neural networks |