
Zeitschriftenbeitrag referiert

  • Bolte G, Dandolo L, Gepp S, Hornberg C, Lumbi SL. Climate change and health equity: A public health perspective on climate justice. J Health Monit 2023; 8(Suppl 6): 3-35. doi: 10.25646/11772

  • Zhuang, S.; Bolte, G.; Lakes, T., 2022: Exploring environmental health inequalities: A scientometric analysis of global research trends (1970 – 2020), in: Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(12): 7394, doi:10.3390/ijerph19127394, 16.06.2022

  • Riedel, N.; van Kamp, I.; Dreger, S.; Bolte, G.; Andringa, T.; Payne, S.; Schreckenberg, D.; Fenech, B.; Lavia, L.; Notley, H.; Guski, R.; Simon, D.; K?ckler, H.; Bartels, S.; Weber, M.; Paviotti, M., 2021: Considering ‘non-acoustic factors’ as social and environmental determinants of health equity and environmental justice. Reflections on research and fields of action towards a vision for environmental noise policies, in: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 11: 100445, doi:10.1016/j.trip.2021.100445

  • Riedel, N.; Scheiner, J.; J?ckel, K.; Moebus, S.; Schüz, B.; Bolte, G., 2021: Is older residents' exposure to road traffic noise associated with civic engagement for noise protection? A cross-sectional path analysis, in: Journal of Transport & Health, 20, 101007, doi:10.1016/j.jth.2021.101007

  • Riedel, N.; K?ckler, H.; Bolte, G., 2021: Moving noise action planning towards more environmental health equity in Germany. Five propositions, in: Cities & Health, doi:10.1080/23748834.2021.1876391

  • Wolf, K.; Kraus, U.; Dzolan, M.; Bolte, G.; Lakes, T.; Schikowski, T.; et al., 2020: N?chtliche Verkehrsl?rmbel?stigung in Deutschland: individuelle und regionale Unterschiede in der NAKO Gesundheitsstudie [Nighttime transportation noise annoyance in Germany: personal and regional differences in the German National Cohort Study], in: Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 63(3): 332-343, doi:10.1007/s00103-020-03094-y

  • Schüle, S.; Hilz, L.; Dreger, S.; Bolte, G., 2019: Social inequalities in environmental resources of green and blue spaces: a review of evidence in the WHO European Region, in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (7), S. 1216, doi:10.3390/ijerph16071216

  • Dreger, S.; Schüle, S.; Hilz, L.; Bolte, G., 2019: Social Inequalities in Environmental Noise Exposure: A Review of Evidence in the WHO European Region , in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6) (1011), doi:10.3390/ijerph16061011
  • Fairburn, J.; Schüle, S.; Dreger, S.; Hilz, L.; Bolte, G., 2019: Social inequalities in exposure to ambient air pollution: A systematic review in the WHO European Region, in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (17), S. 3127, doi:10.3390/ijerph16173127

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  • Dreger, S.; Bolte, G., 2019: Inequalities in self-reported noise annoyance, in: World Health Organization 2019 (Hg.), Environmental health inequalities in Europe. Second assessment report, Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, S. 66 - 71
  • Braubach, M.; Bolte, G.; Dimitroulopoulou, S.; Fairburn, J.; Ganzleben, C.; Machado, F.; Martuzzi, M., 2019: Key messages and conclusions, in: World Health Organization 2019 (Hg.), Environmental health inequalities in Europe. Second assessment report, Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, S. 128 - 132
  • Fairburn, J.; Bolte, G.; Braubach, M., 2019: Environmental health inequalities resource package. A tool for understanding and reducing inequalities in environmental risk. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe


  • Bolte G, Dreger S, Hasselder P. Environmental health inequalities in Europe - fact sheet series. WHO Webinar on Environmental Health Inequalities (online), 11.12.2023
  • Bolte G., 2022: Environmental health inequalities in Europe - launching the inequality fact sheet series.
    Launch event (virtual), WHO Regional Office for Europe, 16.02.2022
  • Bolte G.,2021: Putting an equity lens on the COVID-19 pandemic: Relevance of environmental health inequalities and implications for future action. 2021 ERA-ENVHEALTH Open Conference on COVID-19 Pandemic and Environment and Health. online conference, 08.10.2021
  • Bolte G.,2021: Environmental health inequalities of specific relevance during COVID-19 pandemic. 10th Meeting of the WHO European Environment and Health Task Force. Online Meeting, 17.02.2021
  • Bolte G.,2020: Findings from the 2nd environmental health inequalities assessment report. WHO-online seminar “Environmental health inequalities. Evidence for action”, 19.10.2020
  • Bolte G.,2020: Environmental health inequalities in Europe, Environmental Health Sciences - Symposium: Ungleiche Umweltbelastung: Interdisziplin?re Perspektiven, Augsburg 01.10.2020
  • Bolte G, Dreger S., 2020: Key findings on inequalities in noise exposure in the WHO European Region, International Workshop ?Traffic-related noise, health (inequalities) and the Environmental Noise Directive“, Bremen 30.09.2020
  • Bolte, G., 2019: WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities, Workshop des gemeinsamen Arbeitskreises ?Umweltmedizin, Expositions‐ und Risikoabsch?tzungen“ der DGEpi, DGSMP und GMDS in Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung Sozialepidemiologie des Instituts für Public Health und Pflegeforschung (IPP), Universit?t Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland, 18.10.2019
  • Schüle, S.; Hilz, L.; Dreger, S.; Bolte, G., 2019: Social Inequalities in Environmental Resources of Green and Blue Spaces: A Review of Evidence in the WHO European Region, 31st annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2019), Utrecht, Niederlande, 27.08.2019

  • Dreger, S.; Schüle, S.; Hilz, L.; Bolte, G., 2019: Social Inequalities in Environmental Noise Exposure: A Review of Evidence in the WHO European Region, 31st annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2019), Utrecht, Niederlande, 26.08.2019
  • Bolte, G., 2019: Environmental Justice from a Public Health Perspective, EnJust Workshop ?Narratives and Practices of Environmental Justice“, Kiel, Deutschland, 07.06.2019