
Entrepreneurship and Employability

March 13th – 15th 2018


Preliminary schedule as of Febr 12th

 7:00 p.m.Dinner (optional for all those arriving early enough; at own expenses)
Restaurant Bolero, Langenstr. 68, 28195 Bremen
Staff Training Day 1 – Case studies from universities
Morning session taking place at the university
9:00 a.m.Opening words
9:15 a.m.Keynote Prof.Dr. J?rg Freiling, Chair in Small Business and Entrepreneurship, U Bremen: Employment and Entrepreneurship in the New Age – Implications for Entrepreneurship in Times of Disruption
10:00 a.m.Best practice presentations and discussion:

Meike Goos (U Bremen): Setting up a business originating from Bremen’s universities – BRIDGE – a network approach

Matej Meza (U Bremen): Mind the gap professional – preparing international students for the job market and the future as an

Adriana Perez Encinas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid):
Internationalization and employability – New Models for the Professionalization of Career Services. The case of the European Centre for
Career Development and Entrepreneurship (ECCE) project.
12:30 p.m.Lunch
Afternoon session taking place at “Kraftwerk” (
2:00 p.m.
(until approx. 5:30/6:00 pm)
Introduction to Kraftwerk and guided tour
Ellen Bastiaens/Jan Hupkens/Perry Heymann (Maastricht University): Projects and best practice examples for the integration of employability in teaching and learning
Kerstin Lange/Imke Gir?mann (U Bremen): Bremen Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD): Supporting career paths of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers inside and outside academia
7:30 p.m.Dinner (on invitation)
Restaurant El Mundo, Konsul-Smidt-Str. 10a, 28217 Bremen (
Staff Training Day 2 – YERUN activities
Session taking place at the university
9:00 a.m.Results from the parallel sessions from day 1, brief presentation and discussion
10:00 a.m.Dave Stanbury (U Essex), Matej Meza (U Bremen): Bremen-Essex:
comparing the structures and approaches to employability
11:00 a.m.Presentation of the results and of a discussion paper of the YERUN
Working group on employability – discussion.
1:00 p.m.Closing session, light lunch
3:00 p.m.Guided city tour


YERUN General Assembly

16th March 2018, Universit?t Bremen

Venue: Administration building VWG
Room: VWG 2060 (second floor)

9:00 am

Welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President Academics, University of Bremen

9:30 amIntroductionn by YERUN President, Prof Juan Romo, UC3M

1. Approval of the minutes of previous YERUN General Assembly meeting (Ulm, 26 October 2017) – for decision

2. General overview and update of actions done after GA Ulm (communication activities, launch event, annual report, etc.) – for information and discussion
3. Open Science Strategy for YERUN for discussion and decision
4. European Universities Networks for discussion
5. YERUN Working Groups
  • WG EU Policy – Update FP9
  • WG Open Science – Roadmap of actions on Open Science
  • WG Joint Degrees – KA2 Joint PhDs
  • WG Research Mobility Fund – RMA and Research Workshops
  • WG Employability – Report and Strategy
6. Establishment of YERUN as a legal entityfor discussion
7. YERUN Financial Report 2017 (closed year) and 2018
Proposals for budget line “Students’ Engagement” – for decision
8. Next YERUN meetings confirmation of dates and new proposals
3:45 pmAOB


Lunch - Participants will have lunch at around 12.30-13.30. Exact timing to be decided depending on the progress of discussions.
For travel purposes, we aim at finishing the General Assembly at 16.00.