?bersicht Vorsitzende Prüfungsausschuss
Overview over the chairpersons of the examination boards
Studiengang | Degree Course | Vorsitzende/r / Chairperson |
Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Business Studies | Prof. Dr. Christian Claus Cordes |
Biologie (Lehramtsoptionsfach) | Biology | Prof. Dr. Martin Diekmann |
Bildungswissenschaften des Primar- und Elementarbereichs | Educational Studies for Primary and Early Education | Prof. Dr. Robert Baar |
Chemie (Lehramtsoptionsfach) | Chemistry | Prof. Dr. Boris J. Nachtsheim |
Comparative & European Law (Hanse Law School) | Comparative & European Law (Hanse Law School) | Prof. Dr. Thilo Kuntz |
Digitale Medien | Digital Media | Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann (Universit?t Bremen) |
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechniky | Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schneider |
English-Speaking Cultures / Englisch | English-Speaking Cultures | Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer |
Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften | Education | Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler |
Frankoromanistik / Franz?sisch | Franco Romance Studies | Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer |
Geographie | Geography | Prof. Dr. Ivo Mossig |
Geowissenschaften | Geo Sciences | Prof. Dr. Cornelia Spiegel-Behnke |
Germanistik / Deutsch | German Studies | Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer |
Geschichte | History | Prof. Dr. Cordula Nolte |
Hispanistik / Spanisch | Hispanic Studies | Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer |
Informatik | Computer Sciences | Prof. Dr. Rainer Koschke |
Integrierte Europastudien | Integrated European Studies | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kisssel |
Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft | Communication and Media Studies | Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise |
Kulturwissenschaft | Culture and Economy | Prof. Dr. Gritt Maria Klinkhammer |
Kunst - Medien - ?sthetische Bildung | Art-Media-Aesthetic Education | Prof. Dr. Gritt Maria Klinkhammer |
Lehramt Inklusive P?dagogik/Sonderp?dagogik an Gymnasien/Oberschulen | ||
Linguistik / Language Sciences | Language Sciences | Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer |
Mathematik (Lehramtsoptionsfach) | Mathematic (Optional for teacher trainig) | Prof. Dr. Christine Knipping |
Musikwissenschaft / Musikp?dagogik | Music Education | Prof. Dr. Gritt Maria Klinkhammer |
Pflegewissenschaft | Nursing Sciences | Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck |
Pflegewissenschaft (dual) | Nursing Sciences (dual degree | Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck |
Philosophie | Philosophy | Prof. Dr. Gritt Maria Klinkhammer |
Physik | Physics | Prof. Dr. Gerd Czycholl |
Politik-Arbeit-Wirtschaft | Politics-Labor-Economy | Prof. Dr. Martin Nonhoff |
Politikwissenschaft | Political Sciences | Prof. Dr. Martin Nonhoff |
Psychologie | Psychology | Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heubrock |
Public Health / Gesundheitswissenschaft | Public Health | Prof. Dr. Henning Schmidt-Semisch |
Rechtswissenschaft | Law | Prof. Dr. S?nke Florian Gerhold |
Religionswissenschaft | Study of Religion / Religious Studies | Prof. Dr. Gritt Maria Klinkhamemr |
Soziologie | Sociology | Prof. Dr. Simone Scherger |
Technomathematik | Industrial Mathematics | Prof. Dr. Jens Rademacher |
Wirtschaftsinformatik | Informations Systems and Management | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Poddig |
Wirtschaftswissenschaft | Economics | Prof. Dr. Christian Claus Cordes |
Studiengang | Degree Course | Vorsitzende/r / Chairperson |
Angewandte Philosophie | Prof. Dr. Norman Sieroka | |
Berufsp?dagogik Pflegewissenschaft | Vocation Education Nursing Science | Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck |
Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Business Studies | Prof. Dr. Christian Claus Cordes |
Communication and Information Technology | Communication and Information Technology | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lang |
Community and Familiy Health Nursing | Community and Familiy Health Nursing | Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann |
Community Health Care and Nursing | Community Health Care and Nursing | Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann |
Comparative and European Law (Hanse Law School) | Comparative and European Law (Hanse Law School) | Prof. Dr. Thilo Kuntz |
Digital Media and Society | Digital Media and Society | Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp |
Digitale Medien | Digital Media | Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann (Universit?t Bremen) |
Environmental Physics | Environmental Physics | Prof. Dr. John Philip Burrows |
English-Speaking Cultures - Language, Text, Media | English-Speaking Cultures - Language, Text, Media | Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf |
Epidemiologie | Epidemiology | Prof. Dr. Gabriele Dagmar Bolte |
Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft | Education | Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler |
Europapolitik | European Politics | Prof. Dr. Arndt Wonka |
Germanistik | German Studies | Prof. Dr. Axel Dunker |
Geschichte | History | Prof. Dr. Rebekka von Mallinckrodt |
Informatik | Computer Sciences | Prof. Dr. Rainer Koschke |
Information and Automation Engineering | Information and Automation Engineering | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lang |
International Relations: Global Governance and Social Theory | International Relations: Global Governance and Social Theory | Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer |
International Relations: Global Politics and Social Theory | International Relations: Global Politics and Social Theory | Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer |
Klinische Psychologie | Clinical Psychologie | Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Waldmann |
Komplexes Entscheiden | Professional Public Decision Making | Prof. Dr. Dagmar Borchers |
Kunstwissenschaft und Filmwissenschaft | Media Culture | Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp |
Language Sciences | Language Sciences | Prof. Dr. Thomas Stolz |
M. Ed.Beruflichen Schulen | Prof. Dr. Falk Howe | |
M. Ed. Grundschule | Prof. Dr. Robert Baar | |
M. Ed. Gymnasien/Oberschulen | Prof. Dr. Matthis Kepser | |
M. Ed. Kooperation Universit?t Oldenburg | Prof. Dr. Matthis Kepser | |
M. Ed. Inklusive P?dagogik | Prof. Dr. Robert Baar | |
Mathematik | Mathematics | Prof. Dr. Jens Rademacher |
Medical Biometry/Biostatistcs | Medical Biometry/Biostatistcs | Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath |
Medienkultur und Globalisierung | Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp | |
Musikwissenschaft | Musicology | Prof. Dr. Ulrich Tadday |
Physical Geography: Environmental History | Physical Geography: Environmental History | Prof. Dr. Bernd Zolitschka |
Politikwissenschaft | Political Sciences | Prof. Dr. Kerastin Martens |
Psychologie | Psychology | Prof. Dr. Bettina von Helversen-Helversheim |
Public Health Gesundheitsf?rderung und Pr?vention | Public Health Promotion and Prevention | Prof. Dr. Henning Schmidt-Semisch |
Public Health Gesundheitsversorgung, -?konomie und -managemet | Public Health Health Services, Health Economics and Health Management | Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang |
Religionswissenschaft - Transformationen von Religion in Medien und Gesellschaft | Study of Religion | Prof. Dr. Yan Suarsana |
Romanistik International | International Romance Studies | Prof. Dr. Caroline Patzelt |
Sozialpolitik | Social Policy | Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier |
Soziologie und Sozialforschung | Sociology and Social Research | Prof. Dr. Michael Windzio |
Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung | Urban and Regional Studies | Prof. Dr. Julia Lossau |
Technomathematik | Industrial Mathematics | Prof. Dr. Jens Rademacher |
Transkulturelle Studien | Transcultural Studies | Prof. Dr. Andrea Mühlebach |
Transnational Law | Transnational Law | Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmid |
Transnationale Literaturwissenschaft | Transnational Literary Studies | Prof. Dr. Julia Brühne |
Ungleichheiten in Geschichte und Gegenwart | Inequalities: Past and Present | N.N. |
Wirtschaftspsychologie | Business Psychology | Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ |
Studiengang / Degre Course | Vorsitzende/r / Chairperson |
Dr. iur. | Prof. Dr. Felix Herzog |
Dr. phil. | Prof. Dr. Anne Levin |
Dr. phil. im FB 12 | Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler |
Dr. Public Health | Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang |
Dr. rer. nat. im FB 08 | Prof. Dr. Ben Marzeion |
Dr. rer. nat. im FB 11 | Prof. Dr. Markus Janczyk |
Dr. rer. pol. / BIGSSS - PhD | Prof. Dr. Martin Missong |
Studiengang | Vorsitzende/r Prüfungsausschuss |
Jura Hauptstudium | Prof Dr. S?nke Florian |
Jura Schwerpunktbereichsprüfung | Prof. Dr. S?nke Florian |
Jura Schwerpunktbereichsstudium | Prof. Dr. S?nke Florian |
Jura Zwischenprüfung | Prof. Dr. S?nke Florian |