Recognising and repelling wolves with an intelligent fence
Our project “mAInZaun: Modular and AI assisted Intelligent Fence for Protecting Domestic Animals” has received financing from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and is now running from beginning of July 2021 until end of June 2024. Together with the University of Giessen and RoFlex GmbH, we will design, develop and prototype an intelligent fence, which is able to reliably recognise approaching wolves and to scare them off by using light, ultrasound, moving elements, scent marks, etc. One unique property of our system will be the recognition of individual wolves and the personalisation of the repellant methods applied to avoid habituation, a common problem with other wolf repellants. More information about this project can be found on the dedicated website: A press release (in German) is available here: /universitaet/hochschulkommunikation-und-marketing/aktuelle-meldungen/detailansicht/der-intelligente-zaun-gegen-den-wolf