Willkommen in der Forschungsgruppe Neurobiochemie

The neurobiochemistry group at the CBIB investigates basic metabolic processes of brain cells. We are interested to understand the energy, redox and glutathione metabolism of the individual types of brain cells, the metabolic interactions that take place between different types of brain cells, the mechanisms involved in ATP regeneration as well as the defence of brain cells against oxidative stress and toxins. As model systems for our studies we investigate primary and secondary cell cultures of brain cells. Aim of our studies is to improve the understanding of metabolic processes in brain and to find the molecular basis for disturbances in brain metabolism that have been reported for neurological disorders.
Prof. Dr. Ralf Dringen
Centre for Biomolecular Interactions Bremen (CBIB)
Fachbereich 2 (Biologie/ Chemie)
Leobener Strasse / NW 2
Raum B 2270
28359 Bremen, Deutschland
Telefon: +49-421-218-63230
Fax: +49-421-218-63244