
R. Bruggeman, Y. Choie, A. Pohl
Period functions for vector-valued Maass cusp forms of real weight, with an application to Jacobi Maass cusp forms 

M. Denker, M. Kesseb?hmer, A.O. Lopes, S.R.C. Lopes
Parametrized Families of Gibbs Measures and their Statistical Inference

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann
Quantization dimensions of negative order

L. Breitkopf, M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Pohl
Equidistribution of cusp points of Hecke triangle groups

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann 
Exact asymptotic order for generalised adaptive approximations

M. Kesseb?hmer, L. Wiegmann
Approximation order of Kolmogorov, Gel'fand, and linear widths for Sobolev embeddings in euclidian measure spaces

A. Pohl, P. Wabnitz
Selberg zeta functions, cuspidal accelerations, and existence of strict transfer operator approaches

A. Pohl
Symbolic dynamics and transfer operators for Weyl chamber flows: a class of examples 

A. Adam, A. Pohl, A. Wei?e
Zero is a resonance of every Schottky surface

A. Pohl, V. Spratte
A geometric reduction theory for indefinite binary quadratic forms over ?[λ] 

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann
Spectral dimensions of Krein-Feller operators in higher dimensions

M. Schünemann, U. Ernst, M. Kesseb?hmer
A rigorous stochastic theory for spike pattern formation in recurrent neural networks with arbitrary connection topologies

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann, T. Samuel, H. Weyer
Generalised Krein-Feller operators and gap diffusions via transformations of measure spaces

M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Kombrink
Minkowski measurability of infinite conformal graph directed systems and application to Apollonian packings

M. Doll, K. Fedosova, A. Pohl
Counting resonances on hyperbolic surfaces with unitary twists
To appear in: Commun. Anal. Geom.

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann, T. Samuel, H. Weyer
Generalised  Kre?n—Feller operators and gap diffusions via transformations of measure spaces.
To appear in: "From Classical Analysis to Analysis on Fractals. A Tribute to Robert Strichartz, Volume 2", Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkh?user, 2024. 

M. Doll, K. Fedosova, A. Pohl
Scattering theory with unitary twists
JAMA (2023)

R. Bruggeman, A. Pohl
Eigenfunctions of transfer operators and automorphic forms for Hecke triangle groups of infinite covolume
Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 1423 (2023), vol. 287, 172+vii pp.
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemannn, S. Zhu
Quantization dimensions of compactly supported probability measures via Rényi dimensions
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), pp. 4661-4678.
[DOI | arXiv]

K. Fedosova, A. Pohl, J. Rowlett
Fourier expansions of vector-valued automorphic functions with non-unitary twists
Commun. Number Theory Phys. 17 (2023), no. 1, 173-248
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Steinherr Zazo, J. D. M. Rademacher
Bifurcation control for a ship maneuvering model with nonsmooth nonlinearities
(original title Nonlinear effects of stabilization in ship models with non-smooth nonlinearities using P-control)
SIAM J Control Optim., Vol. 61 (2023) No.1, 225-251.

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann
Approximation order of Kolmogorov diameters via Lq-spectra and applications to polyharmonic operators.
Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 282, Issue 9, 2022, Article 109598, ISSN 0022-1236
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann
Spectral asymptotics of Krein-Feller operators for weak Gibbs measures on self-conformal fractals with overlaps
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 403 (2022), Paper No. 108384, ISSN 0001-8708.
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Niemann
Spectral dimensions of Krein-Feller operators and Lq-spectra.
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 399 (2022), Paper No. 108253, ISSN 0001-8708.
[DOI arXiv]

A. Prugger, J.D.M. Rademacher, J. Yang
Geophysical fluid models with simple energy backscatter: explicit flows and unbounded exponential growth
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 116:5-6, 374-410 (2022).

M. Gr?ger, J. Jaerisch, M. Kesseb?hmer
Thermodynamic formalism for transient dynamics on the real line.
Nonlinearity 35, 1093–1118  (2022).
[DOI | arXiv]

S. Coriasco, M. Doll
Weyl Law on Asymptotically Euclidean Manifolds
Ann. Henri Poincaré 22 (2021)
[DOI | arXiv]

O. Bandtlow, A. Pohl, T. Schick, A. Wei?e
Numerical resonances for Schottky surfaces via Lagrange-Chebyshev approximation 
Stoch. Dyn. 21, No. 03, 2140005, 30 pp. (2021) 
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pauthier, J.D.M. Rademacher, D. Ulbrich
Weak and strong interaction of excitation kinks in scalar parabolic equations
J Dyn Diff Equat (2021) 
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Prugger, J.D.M. Rademacher
Explicit superposed and forced plane wave generalized Beltrami flows
IMA J Appl Math. Volume 86, Issue 4, August 2021, 761–784. 
[DOI | arXiv]

P. Carter, J.D.M. Rademacher, B. Sandstede
Pulse replication and accumulation of eigenvalues
SIAM J. Math Anal., 53(3), 3520–3576. (2021)
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Yang, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Reaction-subdiffusion systems and memory: spectra, Turing instability and decay estimates. 
IMA J Appl Math., Volume 86, Issue 2, April 2021, 27-73. 
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher, Lars Siemer
Domain wall motion in axially symmetric spintronic nanowires
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 20(4), 2204–2235 (2021)
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Jaerisch, M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Munday
A multifractal analysis for cuspidal windings on hyperbolic surfaces.
Stochastics and Dynamics Vol. 21, No. 03, 2140007 (2021).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, J.D.M. Rademacher, D. Ulbrich
Dynamics and topological entropy of 1D Greenberg-Hastings cellular automata.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 41 (2021), no. 5, 1397–1430.
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Steinherr Zazo, J.D.M. Rademacher
Lyapunov coefficients for Hopf bifurcations in systems with piecewise smooth nonlinearity
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys., 19(4), 2847-2886. (2020)
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Doll, A. Froehly and R. Schulz
A Partial Data Problem in Linear Elasticity
Inverse Problems 36 (2020)
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Doll, S. Zelditch
Schr?dinger Trace Invariants for Homogeneous Perturbations of the Harmonic Oscillator
J. Spectr. Theory 10 (2020)
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Schindler
Mean convergence for intermediately trimmed Birkhoff sums of observables with regularly varying tails.
Nonlinearity 33(10): 5543?–5566 (2020).
[DOI  | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Samuel, H. Weyer
Measure-geometric Laplacians for partially atomic measures.
Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 61, 313-335 (2020).
[DOI | arXiv]
Title of preprint: Measure-geometric Laplacians on the real line. 

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Schindler
Limit theorems for counting large continued fraction digits.
Lith Math J 60: 189–207 (2020). 
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Samuel, K. Sender
The Sierpiński gasket as the Martin boundary of a non-isotropic Markov chain.
J. Fractal Geom.7: 113–136 (2020).
[DOI | arXiv]

M.Kesseb?hmer, T. Schindler
Intermediately trimmed strong laws for Birkhoff sums on subshifts of finite type.
Dynamical Systems. An International Journal 35(2): 275-305 (2020).
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl, D. Zagier
Dynamics of geodesics, and Maass cusp forms 
Enseign. Math. (2) 66 (2020), 305–340 
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl, L. Soares
Density of Resonances for covers of Schottky surfaces 
J. Spectr. Theory 10 (2020), no. 3, 1053-1101 
[DOI | arXiv]

K. Fedosova, A. Pohl
Eisenstein series twisted with non-expanding cusp monodromies 
Ramanujan J. 51 (2020), no. 3, 649-670
[DOI | arXiv]

K. Fedosova, A. Pohl
Meromorphic continuation of Selberg zeta functions with twists having non-expanding cusp monodromy 
Selecta Math. (N.S.) 26 (2020), no. 1, Paper no. 9 (55 p.) 
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Adam, A. Pohl
A transfer-operator-based relation between Laplace eigenfunctions and zeros of Selberg zeta functions 
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 40 (2020), no. 3, 612-662 
[DOI | arXiv]

L. Siemer, I. Ovsyannikov, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Inhomogeneous domain walls in spintronic nanowires.
Nonlinearity 33 (2020), 2905-2941.
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Increasing sequences of sectorial forms.
Czechoslovak Math. J. 70 (2020), no. 4, 1033--1046. 
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
On Hausdorff measure and an inequality due to Maz'ya.
Arch. Math. 114 (2020), no. 5, 573--583.  
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Doll
Recurrence of Singularities for Second Order Isotropic Pseudodifferential Operators
Math. Nachr. 292 (2019)
[DOI | arXiv]

S. Coriasco, M. Doll, R. Schulz
Lagrangian distributions on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds
Ann. Mat. Pura App. 198 (2019)
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Baake, P. Gohlke, M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Schindler
Scaling properties of the Thue--Morse measure.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A, 39(7): 4157?–4185 (2019).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Mosbach, T. Samuel, M. Steffens
Diffraction of return time measures.
J. Stat. Phys. 174(3): 519–535 (2019).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Schindler
Strong laws of large number for intermediately trimmed Birkhoff sums of observables with infinite mean.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129(10): 4163?–4207 (2019).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Samuel, H. Weyer
Measure-geometric Laplacians for discrete distributions.
In Niemeyer et al., editor, Horizons of Fractal Geometry and Complex Dimensions, volume 731 of Contemp. Math., pages 133–142. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I. (2019). 
[DOI | arXiv]

F. Dreher, M. Kesseb?hmer
Escape rates for special flows and their higher order asymptotics.
Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 39(6): 1501–1530 (2019).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Schindler
Strong laws of large numbers for intermediately trimmed sums of i.i.d. random variables with infinite mean.
J.Theor. Probab., 32(2): 702–720 (2019).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Gr?ger, M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Mosbach, T. Samuel, M. Steffens
A classification of aperiodic order via spectral metrics and Jarník sets.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 39(11): 3031?–3065 (2019).
[DOI | arXiv]

F. Naud, A. Pohl, L. Soares
Fractal Weyl bounds and Hecke triangle groups 
Electron. Res. Announc. Math. Sci. 26 (2019), 24-35 
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Chirilus-Bruckner, P. van Heijster, H. Ikeda, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Unfolding symmetric Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations for front dynamics in a reaction-diffusion system.
J. Non. Sc., 29 (2019), 2911-2953. 
[DOI | arXiv]

C. Franzke, M. Oliver, J.D.M. Rademacher, G. Badin
Multi-Scale Methods for Geophysical Flows.
Chapter in "Energy transfers in atmosphere and ocean", Springer Mathematics of Planet Earth book series Vol. 1 (2019), 1-51. 
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt.
L∞-estimates for the torsion function and L∞-growth of semigroups satisfying Gaussian bounds.
Potential Anal. 51 (2019), no. 1, 37--47.  
[DOI | arXiv]


M. Doll, O. Gannot and J. Wunsch 
Refined Weyl Law for Homogeneous Perturbations of the Harmonic Oscillator
Comm. Math. Phys. 362 (2018)
[DOI | arXiv]

G. Fuhrmann, M. Gr?ger, T. J?ger
Non-smooth saddle-node bifurcations II: dimensions of strange attractors.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 38(8): 2989?–3011(2018).
[DOI | arXiv]

F. Dreher, M. Kesseb?hmer, A. Mosbach, T. Samuel, M. Steffens
Regularity of aperiodic minimal subshifts.
Bull. Math. Sci. 8(3): 413–434 (2018).
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Doelman, J.D.M. Rademacher, B. de Rijk, F. Veerman.
Destabilization mechanisms of periodic pulse patterns near a homoclinic limit.
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys. 17 ?(2018), 1833-1890. [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

B. Jacob, C. Tretter, C. Trunk, H. Vogt.
Numerical range and quadratic numerical range for damped systems.
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 41 (2018), no. 16, 6546--6573.  Paper  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Holomorphic families of forms, operators and C0-semigroups.
Monatsh. Math. 187 (2018), no. 2, 375--380.  Abstract  Paper
[DOI | arXiv]


M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Kombrink
A complex Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius theorem for infinite Markov shifts with applications to renewal theory.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. -- Ser. S 2(10): 335–352 (2017).  
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Zhu
The upper and lower quantization coefficient for Markov-type measures.
Mathematische Nachrichten 290(5-6): 827–839 (2017).
[DOI | arXiv]
Title of preprint: The quantization for Markov-type measures on a class of ratio-specified graph directed fractals.  

A. Pohl
The category of reduced orbifolds in local charts,
J. Math. Soc. Japan 69 (2017), no. 2, 755-800 
[DOI | arXiv]

S. Kadyrov , A. Pohl
Amount of failure of upper-semicontinuity of entropy in noncompact rank one situations, and Hausdorff dimension 
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 37 (2017), no. 2, 539-563 
[DOI | arXiv]

C. Melcher, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Pattern formation in axially symmetric Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski equations.
J. Nonl. Sc. 27 ?(2017), 1551-1587. [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

A.F.M. ter Elst, Vitali Liskevich, Z. Sobol, H. Vogt.
On the Lp-theory of C0-semigroups associated with second-order elliptic operators with complex singular coefficients.
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 115 (2017), no. 4, 693--724.  
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Bands in Lp-spaces.
Math. Nachr. 290 (2017), no. 4, 632--638. 
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Gr?ger, T. J?ger
Some remarks on modified power entropy.
Dynamics and Numbers, Contemp. Math. 669: 105–122 (2016).
[DOI | arXiv]

G. Fuhrmann, M. Gr?ger, T. J?ger
Amorphic complexity.
Nonlinearity 29(2): 528–565 (2016).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Samuel, H. Weyer
A note on measure-geometric Laplacians. 
Monatsh. Math. 181(3): 643–655 (2016).
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Kautzsch, M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Samuel
On the convergence to equilibrium of unbounded observables under a family of intermittent interval maps.
Ann. Henri Poincaré 17(9): 2585?–2621 (2016).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Zhu
On the quantization for self-affine measures on Bedford-McMullen carpets.
Mathematische Zeitschrift 283(1): 39–58 (2016).
[DOI | arXiv]

V. Blomer, A. Pohl
The sup-norm problem for the Siegel modular space of rank two 
Amer. J. Math. 138 (2016), 999-1027 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl
Symbolic dynamics, automorphic functions, and Selberg zeta functions with unitary representations
Contemp. Math. 669 (2016), 205-236 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl
Odd and even Maass cusp forms for Hecke triangle groups, and the billiard flow 
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 36 (2016), no. 1, 142-172 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

B. de Rijk, A. Doelman, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Spectra and stability of spatially periodic pulse patterns: Evans function factorization via Riccati transformation.
SIAM J. Math. Ana. 48?(2016), 61-121. [ | arXiv]]
[DOI | arXiv]

B. Li, T. Sahlsten, T. Samuel
Intermediate β-shifts of finite type.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 36(1): 323–344 (2016).
[DOI | arXiv]

T. Das, B.O. Stratmann, M. Urbánski
Geometry of limit sets of discrete groups acting on real infinite-dimensional hyperbolic space.
Stochastics and Dynamics 16(5), 17 pages (2016).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Haase, P. C. Kunstmann, H. Vogt.
On the numerical range of generators of symmetric L∞-contractive semigroups.
Arch. Math. 107 (2016), no. 5, 553--559.  Abstract  Paper Journal
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Manavi, H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
A note on absorption semigroups and regularity.
Arch. Math. 106 (2016), no. 5, 485--488.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]


K. Falk, K. Matsuzaki
The critical exponent, the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set and the convex core entropy of a Kleinian group.
Conf. Geom. Dyn. 19: 159–196 (2015).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Zhu
Some recent developments in quantization of fractal measures.
Fractal geometry and stochastics V, Progr. Probab. 70: 105–120 (2015).
[DOI  | arXiv]

J. Kautzsch, M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Samuel, B.O. Stratmann
On the asymptotics of the α-Farey transfer operator.
Nonlinearity 28: 143–166 (2015). 
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Kombrink
Minkowski content and fractal Euler characteristic for conformal graph directed systems.
Journal of Fractal Geometry 2: 171–227  (2015). 
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Einsiedler, S. Kadyrov, A. Pohl
Escape of mass and entropy for diagonal flows in real rank one situations 
Israel J. Math 245 (2015), Vol. 210, no. 1, 245-295 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl
A thermodynamic formalism approach to the Selberg zeta function for Hecke triangle surfaces of infinite area
Comm. Math. Phys. 337 (2015), no. 1, 103-126 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

D. Zhelyasov, D. Han-Kwan, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Global stability and local bifurcations in a two-fluid model for tokamak plasma.
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 14?(2015), 730-763. [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

E. Siero, A. Doelman, M.B. Eppinga, J.D.M. Rademacher, M. Rietkerk and K. Siteur.
Stripe pattern selection by advective reaction-diffusion systems: resilience of banded vegetation on slopes.
CHAOS 25?(2015) 036411 [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Chirilus-Bruckner, A. Doelman, P. van Heijster, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Butterfly catastrophe for fronts in a three-component reaction-diffusion-system.
J. Nonl. Sc. 25?(2015), 87-129. [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt.
L1-estimates for eigenfunctions and heat kernel estimates for semigroups dominated by the free heat semigroup.
J. Evol. Equ. 15 (2015), no. 4, 879--893.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Keller, D. Lenz, H. Vogt, R. Wojciechowski.
Note on basic features of large time behaviour of heat kernels.
J. Reine Angew. Math. 708 (2015), 73--95.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]

A.F.M. ter Elst, M. Sauter, H. Vogt.
A generalisation of the form method for accretive forms and operators.
J. Funct. Anal. 269 (2015), no. 3, 705--744.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]


S.M. Buckley, K. Falk
The boundary at infinity of a rough CAT(0) space. 
Anal. Geom. Metric Spaces 2: 53–80 (2014).
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Jaerisch, M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Lamei
Induced topological pressure for countable state Markov shifts.
Stoch. Dyn. 14(2), 31 pages (2014).
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl
Symbolic dynamics for the geodesic flow on two-dimensional hyperbolic good orbifolds
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. A 34 (2014), no. 5, 2173-2241 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

K. Siteur, E. Siero, M. Eppinga, J.D.M. Rademacher, A. Doelman, M. Rietkerk.
Beyond Turing: the response of patterned ecosystems to environmental change.
Ecological Complexity 20 (2014), 81-96.
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Meyries, J.D.M. Rademacher, E. Siero.
Quasilinear parabolic reaction-diffusion systems: user's guide to well-posedness, spectra and stability of travelling waves.
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys. 13?(2014), 249-275. Preprint [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Uecker, D. Wetzel, J.D.M. Rademacher.
pde2path - A Matlab package for continuation and bifurcation in 2D elliptic systems
Num. Math.: Th. Meth. Appl.?7 (2014), 58-106. Preprint [ | arXiv], code]
[DOI | arXiv]

F. Dreher, T. Samuel
Continuous images of Cantor's ternary set.
Amer. Math. Monthly 121(7): 640–643 (2014).
[DOI | arXiv]

T. Samuel, N. Snigireva, A. Vince
Embedding the symbolic dynamics of Lorenz maps.
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 156(3): 505–519 (2014).
[DOI | arXiv]

C. Seifert, H. Vogt.
A weak Gordon type condition for absence of eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schr?dinger operators.
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 78 (2014), no. 3, 383--405.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]


S.M. Buckley, K. Falk
Natural maps between CAT(0) boundaries.
New York J. Math. 19: 13–22 (2013).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Gr?ger, T. J?ger
Dimensions of attractors in pinched skew products.
Comm. Math. Phys. 320(1): 101–119 (2013). 
[DOI | arXiv] 

M. Gr?ger, B.R. Hunt
Coupled skinny baker's maps and the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture.
Nonlinearity 26(9): 2641?–2667 (2013). 
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Jaerisch, M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
A Fréchet law and an Erd?s-Philipp law for maximal cuspidal windings.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 33(4): 1008–1028 (2013).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, T. Samuel
Spectral metric spaces for Gibbs measures.
J. Funct. Anal. 31: 1801–1828 (2013).
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl
Period functions for Maass cusp forms for \Gamma_0(p): a transfer operator approach
International Mathematics Research Notices (2013) Vol. 14, 3250-3273; (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

M. M?ller, A. Pohl
Period functions for Hecke triangle groups, and the Selberg zeta function as a Fredholm determinant 
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 33 (2013), no. 1, 247-283 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher.
First and second order semi-strong interaction in reaction-diffusion systems
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 12?(2013), 175-203. Preprint [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

S. van der Stelt, A. Doelman, G. Hek, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Rise and fall of periodic patterns for a Generalized Klausmeier-Gray-Scott model
J. Nonl. Sc. 23 (2013), 39-95. Preprint [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

T. Samuel
A simple proof of Vitali's theorem for signed measures.
Amer. Math. Monthly 120(7): 654–660 (2013).
[DOI | arXiv]

E. Mihailescu, B.O. Stratmann
Upper estimates for stable dimensions of fractal sets with variable numbers of foldings.
International Mathematics Research Notices, rnt168, 23 pages (2013). 
[DOI | arXiv]


S.M. Buckley, K. Falk
Rough CAT(0) spaces.
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 55(103), no. 1: 3–33 (2012).
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Bohnstengel, M. Kesseb?hmer
Multiresolution analysis for Markov Interval Maps.
Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optim. 33(7-9): 791–832 (2012). 
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Kombrink
Fractal curvature measures and Minkowski content for self-conformal subsets of the real line.
Adv. in Math. 230: 2474?–2512 (2012). 
[DOI | arXiv]
Title of preprint: Fractal curvature measures and Minkowski content for one-dimensional self-conformal sets.

M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
A dichotomy between uniform distributions of the Stern-Brocot and the Farey sequence.
Unif. Distrib. Theory 7(2): 21–33 (2012).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, S. Munday, B.O. Stratmann
Strong renewal theorems and Lyapunov spectra for α-Farey and α-Lüroth systems.
Ergod. Theory Dyn. Syst. 32(3): 989?–1017 (2012).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
A note on the algebraic growth rate of Poincaré series for Kleinian groups.
Contributions in analytic and algebraic number theory, Springer Proc. Math., 9, Springer, New York, (2012),  237–245. 
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
On the asymptotic behaviour of the Lebesgue measure of sum-level sets for continued fractions.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 32(7): 2437?–2451 (2012).
[DOI | arXiv]
Title of preprint: On the Lebesgue measure of sum-level sets for continued fractions.

U. Freiberg, S. Kombrink
Minkowski content and local Minkowski content for a class of self-conformal sets.
Geom. Dedicata 159(1): 307–325 (2012).
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl
A dynamical approach to Maass cusp forms 
J. Mod. Dyn. 6 (2012), no. 4, 563-596 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Doelman, J.D.M. Rademacher, S van der Stelt.
Hopf dances near the tips of Busse balloons
Discr. Cont. Dyn. Sys. 5 (2012), 61-92. Preprint [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Denker, B.O. Stratmann
The Patterson measure: classics, variations and applications.
Contributions to Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory - Festschrift for S. J. Patterson, Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Vol. 9, Blomer, Valentin; Mih?ilescu, Preda (Eds.)  (2012), 171-195. 
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Bohnstengel, P. Jorgensen
Geometry of spectral pairs.
Anal. Math. Phys. 1(1): 69–99 (2011). 
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Jaerisch, M. Kesseb?hmer
Regularity of multifractal spectra of conformal iterated function systems.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363(1): 313–330 (2011).
[DOI | arXiv]

K. Falconer, T. Samuel
Dixmier traces and coarse multifractal analysis.
Ergod. Theory Dyn. Syst. 31: 369–381 (2011).
[DOI | arXiv]


J. Bohnstengel, M. Kesseb?hmer
Wavelets for iterated function systems.
J. Funct. Anal. 259(3): 583–601 (2010).  
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Jaerisch, M. Kesseb?hmer
The arithmetic-geometric scaling spectrum for continued fractions.
Ark. Mat. 48(2): 335–360 (2010).  
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Pohl
Ford fundamental domains in symmetric spaces of rank one
Geom. Dedicata 147 (2010), 219-276 (journal,  | arXiv])
[DOI | arXiv]

J.A. Sherratt, M.J. Smith, J.D.M. Rademacher.
Patterns of Sources and Sinks in the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with Zero Linear Dispersion.
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.? 9 (2010), 883-918. Preprint [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher
Lyapunov-Schmidt Reduction for Unfolding Heteroclinic Networks of Equilibria and Periodic Orbits with Tangencies
J. Diff. Eq. 249?(2010), 305-348. Preprint [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Herrmann, J.D.M. Rademacher
Heteroclinic travelling waves in convex FPU-type chains
SIAM J. Math. Ana. 42?(2010), 1483-1504. Preprint [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Herrmann, J.D.M. Rademacher
Riemann solvers and undercompressive shocks of convex FPU chains
Nonlinearity 23?(2010), 277-304. [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

K. Falk, K. Matsuzaki, B.O. Stratmann
Checking atomicity of conformal ending measures for Kleinian groups.
Conform. Geom. Dyn. 14: 167–183 (2010).
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt.
An Eberlein-?mulian type result for the weak* topology.
Arch. Math. 95 (2010), no. 1, 31--34.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]


S.M. Buckley, K. Falk, D.J. Wraith
Ptolemaic spaces and CAT(0).
Glasgow Math. J. 51: 301–314 (2009). 
[DOI | arXiv]

T. Jordan, M. Kesseb?hmer, M. Pollicott, B.O. Stratmann
Sets of nondifferentiability for conjugacies between expanding interval maps.
Fund. Math. 206: 161–183 (2009).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
H?lder-differentiability of Gibbs distribution functions.
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 147(2): 489–503 (2009).
[DOI | arXiv]

A.R. Champneys, E. Knobloch, V. Kirk, B.E. Oldeman, J.D.M. Rademacher
Unfolding a tangent equilibrium-to-periodic heteroclinic cycle
SIAM J. App. Dyn. Sys.? 8 (2009), 1261-1304. 
[DOI | arXiv]

M.J. Smith, J.D.M. Rademacher, J.A. Sherratt.
Absolute stability of wavetrains can explain spatiotemporal dynamics in reaction-diffusion systems of lambda-omega type.
SIAM J. App. Dyn. Sys.? 8 (2009), 1136-1159. 
[DOI | arXiv]

J.A. Sherratt, M.J. Smith, J.D.M. Rademacher
Locating the transition from periodic oscillations to spatiotemporal chaos in the wake of invasion
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. 106:?10890-10895 (2009). 
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Schmeling, B.O. Stratmann
The Hausdorff dimension of the set of dissipative points for a Cantor-like model set for singly cusped parabolic dynamics.
Kodai Math. J. 32(2): 179–196 (2009).
[DOI | arXiv]

S. ELMourchid, A. Rhandi, H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
A sharp condition for the chaotic behaviour of a size structured cell population.
Differential Integral Equations 22 (2009), no. 7--8, 797--800.  
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt.
The regular part of symmetric forms associated with second-order elliptic differential expressions.
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 41 (2009), no. 3, 441--444. 
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt.
A lower bound on the first spectral gap of Schr?dinger operators with Kato class measures.
Ann. Henri Poincaré 10 (2009), no. 2, 395--414.  
[DOI | arXiv]


P. Bonfert-Taylor, K. Falk, E.C. Taylor
Gaps in the exponent spectrum of subgroups of discrete quasiconformal groups.
Kodai Math. J. 31(1): 68–81 (2008).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
Fractal analysis for sets of non-differentiability of Minkowski's question mark function.
J. Number Theory 128(9): 2663?–2686 (2008).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, M. Slassi
Large deviation asymptotics for continued fraction expansions.
Stoch. Dyn. 8(1): 103–113 (2008).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
Refined measurable rigidity and flexibility for conformal iterated function systems.
New York J. Math. 14: 33–51 (2008).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, M. Slassi
A distributional limit law for the continued fraction digit sum.
Math. Nachr. 281(9): 1294–1306  (2008).
[DOI | arXiv]

J. Hilgert , A. Pohl
Symbolic dynamics for the geodesic flow on locally symmetric orbifolds of rank one 
Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis IV, World Scientific, 2008 
[DOI | arXiv]

A.A. Shah, J. Brindley, A.C. McIntosh, J.D.M. Rademacher
The effects of heat exchange and fluid production on the ignition of a porous solid
Nonlinear Anal.: Real World Appl.? 9 (2008), 562-584.
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Modulus semigroups and perturbation classes for linear delay equations in Lp.
Positivity 12 (2008), no. 1, 167--183.  
[DOI | arXiv]


M. Kesseb?hmer, M. Urbański
Higher-dimensional multifractal value sets for conformal infinite graph directed Markov systems.
Nonlinearity 20(8): 1969–1985 (2007).
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Kesseb?hmer, B.O. Stratmann
Homology at infinity; fractal geometry of limiting symbols for modular subgroups.
Topology 46(5): 469–491 (2007).
[DOI | arXiv]
Title of preprint: Limiting modular symbols and their fractal geometry.

M. Kesseb?hmer, M. Slassi
Limit laws for distorted critical return time processes in infinite ergodic theory.
Stoch. Dyn. 7(1): 103–121 (2007).
[DOI | arXiv]
Title of preprint: Critical waiting time processes in infinite ergodic theory.  

M. Kesseb?hmer, M. Stadlbauer, B.O. Stratmann
Lyapunov spectra for KMS states on Cuntz-Krieger algebras.
Math. Z. 256(4): 871–893 (2007).
[DOI  | arXiv]
Title of preprint: Radon--Nikodym representations of Cuntz--Krieger algebras and Lyapunov spectra for KMS states.

A. Pohl
An upper bound for the period length of a quadratic irrational
Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 77 (2007), 129-136 (journal)
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher, B. Sandstede, A. Scheel
Computing absolute and essential spectra using continuation
Physica D 229?(2007), 166-183. 
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher, A. Scheel
Instabilities of Wave Trains and Turing Patterns in Large Domains
Int. J. Bif. Chaos 17?(2007), 2679-2691. (special issue for Andre Vanderbauwhede's 60th birthday)
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher, A. Scheel
The saddle-node of nearly homogeneous wave trains in reaction-diffusion systems
J. Dyn. Diff. Eqns. 19?(2007), 479-496. 
[DOI | arXiv]

P. Kunstmann, H. Vogt.
Weighted norm estimates and Lp-spectral independence of linear operators.
Colloq. Math. 109 (2007), no. 1, 129--146.  
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher
Geometric relations of absolute and essential spectra of wave trains
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys.? 5 (2006), 634-649. [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

J.D.M. Rademacher, R.W. Wittenberg
Viscous shocks in the destabilized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation
J. Comp. Nonl. Dyn.? 1 (2006), 336-347. (special issue for Phil Holmes' 60th birthday) [pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

V. Liskevich, H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Gaussian bounds for propagators perturbed by potentials.
J. Funct. Anal. 238 (2006), no. 1, 245--277.  
[DOI | arXiv]


J.D.M. Rademacher
Homoclinic orbits near heteroclinic cycles with one equilibrium and one periodic orbit
J. Diff. Eqns. 218?(2005), 390-443. [corrected pdf]
[DOI | arXiv]

M. Stein, H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
The modulus semigroup for linear delay equations III.
J. Funct. Anal. 220 (2005), no. 2, 388--400. 
[DOI | arXiv]

A. Manavi, H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Domination of semigroups associated with sectorial forms.
J. Operator Theory 54 (2005), no. 1, 9--25.  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]


H. Vogt.
Lp-analyticity of Schr?dinger semigroups on Riemannian manifolds.
Evolution equations (Warsaw, 2001), 73--80, Banach Center Publ., 60, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, 2003.
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Wentzell boundary conditions in the context of Dirichlet forms.
Adv. Differential Equations 8 (2003), no. 7, 821--842. 
[Journal | arXiv]


V. Liskevich, Z. Sobol, H. Vogt.
On the Lp-theory of C0-semigroups associated with second-order elliptic operators. II.
J. Funct. Anal. 193 (2002), no. 1, 55--76.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]

Z. Sobol, H. Vogt.
On the Lp-theory of C0-semigroups associated with second-order elliptic operators. I.
J. Funct. Anal. 193 (2002), no. 1, 24--54.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
A monotonicity property of the Γ-function.
JIPAM (J. of Ineq. in Pure and Applied Math.) 3 (2002), no. 5, Article 73.  
[DOI | arXiv]

U. Brehm, P. Hinow, H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Moment inequalities and central limit properties of isotropic convex bodies.
Math. Zeitschr. 240 (2002), no. 1, 37--51.  
[DOI | arXiv]

U. Brehm, H. Vogt, J. Voigt.
Permanence of moment estimates for p-products of convex bodies.
Studia Math. 150 (2002), no. 3, 243--260.  
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt.
Equivalence of Pointwise and Global Ellipticity Estimates.
Math. Nachr. 237 (2002), no. 1, 125--128.  
[DOI | arXiv]


V. Liskevich, H. Vogt.
On Lp-spectra and essential spectra of second-order elliptic operators.
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 80 (2000), no. 3, 590--610.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]

H. Vogt.
On the constant in real Riesz-Thorin interpolation.
Arch. Math. 71 (1998), no. 2, 112--114.  Abstract  Journal
[DOI | arXiv]