AG Information Management

Research Group Information Management
Research Group Manager: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter
Office: Mirjana Etteldorf
Research Group Information Management
The Information Management Research Group is closely linked to the Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH (ifib), a non-university research institute at the University of Bremen. It also forms the core of the "Information Management and Media Technologies" lab of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen.
Application context
The focus of our work is the change in organizations in the course of increasing mediatization and the resulting handling of data and information. Our context of application is primarily in public administration, schools and universities. Our research is based on the theoretical approaches of mediatization research on the one hand and on organizational sociological principles on the other.
Design-oriented approach
We pursue a design-oriented approach, i.e. we do not focus on the technology, but on the requirements of the respective field of application. In addition to technical IT expertise, this also requires knowledge of the respective organizations. This includes business process management, IT governance and IT service management. On the other hand, we focus on developments in educational institutions and deal with questions of media education, competence modeling and the use of information systems for data-supported decision-making processes in educational contexts.