Past colloquia
Winter term 2022/23: Environmental Justice
Summer term 2022: Research Workshop
Winter term 2021/22: Research Workshop
Summer term 2021: Research Workshop
Winter term 2018/19: Participation processes in sust. research
Summer term 2018: Participation and Sustainability
Winter term 2017/18: Consumption & Environment / Sustainability
Summer term 2017: Research Workshop
Winter term 2016/17: Energy systems in transition - Quo vadis “Energiewende”?
Summer term 2016: Climate Governance
Winter term 2015/16: Research Workshop
Summer term 2015: The Future of Food
Winter term 2014/15: Climate Change: Gender Relations & Sustainability
Summer term 2014: Social Sustainability & Ecology
About the colloquia
The artec colloquia provide a space to discuss current developments in social-ecological transformation research. Guest researchers are regularly invited to give talks. In addition, artec members present their current research projects and results.
The colloquia take place every semester with a different thematic focus. The events are open to the public and are aimed at scientists, students, and interested people from all disciplines. Talks are held in German and English.