Dr. Torben Stührmann

Senior Researcher with focus on Resilient socio-technical systems at the artec Sustainability Research Center and at the Faculty of Production Engineering, Research Group 10 Technology Design and Technology Development


Research projects

Joint project QUARREE100: resilient energy supply systems in existing urban districts considering the complete integration of renewable energies

Sustainable Good Work: integrating work and ecology holistically - strengthening the capacity to innovate (NAGUT)


Pfannes, K.R., Langenbach, K.M., Pilloni, G., Stührmann, T., Euringer, K., Lueders, T., Neu, T.R., Müller, J.A., K?stner, & M., Meckenstock, R.U. (2015). Selective elimination
of bacterial faecal indicators in the Schmutzdecke of slow sand filtration columns. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology December 2015, 99(23), 10323-10332.

Lavik, G., Stührmann, T., Mohrholz, V., Rei?mann, J., Siegel, H., Van der Plas, A., Fuchs, B., Brüchert, V., Amann, R., Lass, U., & Kuypers, M. (2009). Detoxification of sulphidic African shelf waters by blooming chemolithotrophs. Nature 457, 581-584.

Liebner, S., Rublack, K., Stührmann, T., & Wagner, D. (2009). Diversity of Aerobic Methanotrophic Bacteria in a Permafrost Active Layer Soil of the Lena Delta, Siberia. Microbial Ecology,57 (1), 25-35. 

Gade, D., Stührmann, T., Reinhard, R. and Rabus, R. (2005). Growth phase/cycle dependent regulation of protein composition in Rhodopirellula baltica. Environmental Microbiology,8, 1074–1084.

01/2012 - 07/2012
Project management and PR for EU projects Micro B3 (Jacobs University Bremen) and MG4U (Center National de la Recherche Scientifique, Station biologique de Roscoff, FRANCE) at EMPA-Johanna B. Wesnigk

03/2010 - 07/2011
Project manager of the EU project Goodwater (Marie Curie Initial Training Network, at Helmholtz Zentrum München)

06/2009 - 03/2010
Post-doc at the Institute of Groundwater Ecology, Helmholtz Zentrum, München

11/2003 - 05/2009
PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in the "International Max Planck Research School of Marine Microbiology" with the title: "The Bacterial Sulfur Cycle in the Benguela Buoyancy System"

Diplom degree thesis: Enzymatic and proteomic studies on Rhodopirellula baltica


Universit?t Bremen
artec Sustainability Research Center
Seminar- und Forschungsverfügungsgeb?ude (SFG)
Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 7
28359 Bremen

Phone +49 (0) 421 / 218-64896
Fax +49 (0) 421 / 218-9864896

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