News Overview

Jens Dede presents ComNets at the EWSN ‘24. You can see a slide with various hardware from ComNets.

ComNets at the EWSN '24 in Abu Dhabi

Lively participation by ComNets in Abu Dhabi

Jens Dede and David Wewetzer at the Digitalgipfle 2024

Leveraging AI for Wildlife Monitoring: Enhancing Coexistence between Wolves, Humans, and Livestock

Researchers from the University of Bremen presented their findings on AI-based wolf detection at the Digital Summit 2024 in Frankfurt.

Ein kleines Gew?chshaus mit vielen Sensoren und einer Pflanze

IoT lecture: Final Project Presentations

Our students presented their final projects at the end of the two week block lecture.

Two students are working on one IoT device. One can see the device, the hands and their computers.

New course started: Internet of Tings (IoT)

Over 30 students at Universit?t Bremen registered for our intensive 2-week IoT course. Learn from global experts on 5G, 802.15.4 with 6TiSCH, WiFi, LoRa, Arduino, and more.

Jutta Günther, Peter Haddawy, and Anna F?rster at the opening of the DAAD Summer School in September 2024.

DAAD Summer School 2024 in Bremen

DAAD Summer School Network of Excellence in Advanced ICT for Tropical Medicine took place in Bremen.

The GoodIT Keynote speakers are Paul Spiesberger and Thomas BASIKOLO

GoodIT 2024: Keynote speakers

ComNets proudly presents Thomas BASIKOLO and Paul Spiesberger as the keynote speakers for the GoodIT2024!

Die Vorbereitungen zur GoodIT laufen: Auf dem Bild werden gerade die Beutel für die Teilnehmer gepackt. Es sind Stifte, Taschen und noch viele weitere Goodies zu sehen.

ACM GoodIT 2024

The ACM GoodIT 2024 takes place in Bremen.

Ein 3D Rendering unserer Leiterplatte

Current MoleNet status

Our MoleNet platform is widely used by our students who are doing their research in IoT. Now, we have made a step forward regarding the next hardware version.

MoleNet wird in der Bremer Innenstadt von ComNets Mitarbeitern pr?sentiert.

Get in touch with MoleNet

MoleNet goes public: Digital Impact Lab in the Bremen city center

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

IEEE SmartNets'24

Our work on evaluating Reflexive Forwarding for ICNs was accepted at IEEE SmartNets'24