Benedikt J. Plate, M.Sc.
Research Assistant
Max-von-Laue Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen
WiWi2, Raum F4290
+49 (0)421 218-66684
benedikt.plateprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
European Accounting Association (EAA)
Research areas:
- International Accounting
- Empirical accounting research
- XBRL in financial accounting
Personal Details
Benedikt J. Plate obtained his general university entrance qualification in 2016 at Max-Planck-Gymnasium Delmenhorst. After a stay abroad in Singapore, Australia and Indonesia, he began his studies in business administration at the University of Bremen, which he completed in 2020 with a special focus on finance, accounting and taxation. Mr. Plate is expected to complete the subsequent master's program with a special focus on accounting and taxation in March 2023.
During his time at the university, Mr. Plate completed a four-month internship at KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Hamburg and worked there for a further eleven months as a student trainee in the restructuring devision. As a tutor, Mr. Plate also led courses for the Chair of General Business Administration and Logistics Management as well as for the Chair of Empirical Economic Research and Applied Statistics.
As of August 2019, Benedikt J. Plate was also employed as a student assistant at the Chair of General Business Administration, Corporate Accounting and Controlling, where he has been a visiting scholar since October 2022. Mr. Plate has also been a certified derivatives trader since September 2020.
Voshaar, Johannes; Wecks, Janik Ole; Plate, Benedikt J.; Zimmermann, Jochen (forthcoming): Tackling Professorial Expert Bias: The Role of ChatGPT in Simplifying Financial Accounting Exam Texts, (Registered Report), in: Issues in Accounting Education.
Behrmann, Vanessa; Plate, Benedikt; Zimmermann, Jochen (2023): Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der unternehmerischen Bilanz- und Kommunikationspolitik - Einsichten aus einer Befragungsstudie, in: WPg - Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, 21:23.
Working Papers
Wecks, Janik Ole; Voshaar, Johannes; Plate, Benedikt J.; Zimmermann Jochen (2024): Generative AI Usage and Academic Performance. Available at SSRN:
Voshaar, Johannes; Plate, Benedikt; Zimmermann, Jochen: Does XBRL-based Financial Reporting Complexity Affect Managers' Resource Adjustment Decisions?