[Translate to English:] Statistik

Area of Work: University Statistics

The coordination and preparation of university statistics in accordance with the University Statistics Act (HStatG) is managed by the Financial Controlling Department at the University of Bremen.

The following statistics are centrally prepared:

- Student statistics (students and first-year students)
- Examination statistics (graduates)
- Guest auditor statistics
- Habilitation statistics
- University personnel statistics
- University financial statistics

The following sections are collected in a decentralized manner from other areas of the university:

- Doctorates
  (Department 1 – Academic Affairs)
- Germany Scholarships  
  (Department 6 – Student Affairs)


Ute Wohlers

Telephone: +49 421 218-60201

Room: 2300 VWG

Mail-Adress: hochschulstatistikprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Student Statistics

Summer Semester 2024

Winter Semester 2023/2024

  • Attentive audience in the packed lecture hall.



  • Front view of MZH Mehrzweckhochhaus


    University Personnel Statistics

Area of Work: "University in Numbers"

Accountability Report of the Rectorate and the Rector

The Accountability Report of the Rector ("University in Numbers") is published annually in April. It is prepared by Department 05 and issued by the Rector of the University of Bremen. The Rector's Accountability Report contains figures, tables, and charts that illustrate the structure, development, and achievements of the University of Bremen. It is primarily aimed at members of the Academic Senate, but also at the interested public. Additionally, it is part of the state contract between the university and the senator's office. Reports from past years, up to and including 1998, are available for viewing or downloading in the "Downloads" section.

A printed version can be obtained from the University of Bremen's press office.

For any questions regarding the Rector's Accountability Report ("University in Numbers"), please contact Ms. Ute Wohlers.

Equipment, Cost, and Performance Comparison (AKL)


With the strengthening of university autonomy through the globalization of budgets, questions of transparency and efficiency in university spending have increasingly come into focus. It is now seen as necessary to compare similar university units in terms of their equipment and performance. Output-oriented or key performance indicator-based management models are gaining importance, fostering competition between universities and providing management-relevant information to university administrations and ministries.

This context prompted the science departments and universities of the federal states of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Schleswig-Holstein to adopt and further develop the equipment comparison process developed in Lower Saxony.

The equipment and performance indicators calculated for teaching and research are intended to be used for cost comparisons and for internal university as well as ministerial steering and controlling purposes. The study includes 9 universities, 11 universities of applied sciences, and 5 art and music schools. The project began on January 1, 1998.

For any questions regarding the HIS equipment comparison, you can contact Ms. Frauke Meyer or Ms. Ute Wohlers.
